Thank you for your reply. Could you please give me some detailed information about ATCF data after typing grep rsl.out.0000 with vortex_following?
there are several columns data including time,latitude,longitude,slp and vmax? and what is about the last column? is it max wind speed? what is its unit, m/s or n mile/h?what does it represent wind speed, 10 min averaged? can you tell me more detail so that i can compare it with the observation? or can you tell me where to get some information about ATCF? Thank you.
there are several columns data including time,latitude,longitude,slp and vmax? and what is about the last column? is it max wind speed? what is its unit, m/s or n mile/h?what does it represent wind speed, 10 min averaged? can you tell me more detail so that i can compare it with the observation? or can you tell me where to get some information about ATCF? Thank you.