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(RESOLVED) ERROR: Could not find matching time in input file wrfout_d01_2012-01-01_00:00:00

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New member
Hi Guys…
I am running the model for the month of January 2012 with ERA-Interim input data set with a 6h interval. Up to real.exe everything goes well but while running wrf.exe I am getting an error

tail rsl.out.0000
Timing for Writing wrfout_d01_2012-01-01_00:00:00 for domain 1: 0.41251 elapsed seconds
d01 2012-01-01_00:00:00 Error trying to read metadata
d01 2012-01-01_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: wrfout_d01_2012-01-01_00:00:00
1 input_wrf: wrf_get_next_time current_date: 2012-01-01_00:00:00 Status = -10
d01 2012-01-01_00:00:00 ---- ERROR: Could not find matching time in input file wrfout_d01_2012-01-01_00:00:00
NOTE: 1 namelist vs input data inconsistencies found.
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
NOTE: Please check and reset these options

I checked thoroughly namelist.wps & namelist.input there is no mismatch

I tried by changing
The time step from 180 to 120, 60
physics schemes
eta levels
metgrid levels
downloading the ERA-Interim inputdata manually and through python script
SST update
nothing worked for me and I am getting the same error every time

I attached namelist files and the result of
ncdump -v Times wrfinput_d01 >& wrfinput_times.txt

I appreciate any help one can provide to me

Thanks & Regards
Sunil Babu P


  • rsl.error.0000.docx
    14.2 KB · Views: 64
  • namelist.input.docx
    15.5 KB · Views: 72
  • namelist.wps.docx
    13.2 KB · Views: 60
  • wrfinput_times.txt
    41 KB · Views: 64
The time settings in namelist.input is consistent with that in your wrfinput. This error may be caused by other reasons. Your input data is on model level or pressure level ? if on model level, did you put them to pressure level before running real?
Hello Ming Chen

Yeah, My input data is a model-level data and i converted them into pressure-level data by using ecmwf_coeff.
is it fine ??

Thanks for the reply

Sunil P
Is your metgrid output files in the same folder as the real.exe? I've had this issue in the past when sim-links to the WPS output were broken.

Not sure if this helps, good luck.
Thank you RobWaters for responding

Metgrid files are in the same folder only in which real.exe is there.

here my question is
what does it mean "input file wrfout_d01_2012-01-01_00:00:00" ?
why it is taking the input from "wrfout_d01_2012-01-01_00:00:00" file ?
Does anyone have any idea about this ??

Thank you
I am really puzzled by this case. Can you try the newer version of WRF ( e.g., WRFv4.1) and don't run older version with hybrid coordinate. Please see whether that works. Please also rerun real.exe using the new WRF version.
I am having the same problem with WRF and WPS 4.2 and FNL pressure level data. Were you able to find a solution ? My namelist, wrfinput and wrfbdy times are consistent.
Time in file: 2019-09-11_00:00:00
Time on domain: 2019-09-10_12:00:00
**WARNING** Time in input file not equal to time on domain **WARNING**
**WARNING** Trying next time in file wrfinput_d02 ...
d01 2019-09-10_12:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_get_next_time
d01 2019-09-10_12:00:00 1 input_wrf: wrf_get_next_time current_date: 2019-09-11_00:00:00 Status = - 4
1 input_wrf: wrf_get_next_time current_date: 2019-09-11_00:00:00 Status = -4
d01 2019-09-10_12:00:00 ---- ERROR: Could not find matching time in input file wrfinput_d02
NOTE: 1 namelist vs input data inconsistencies found.
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
NOTE: Please check and reset these options
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0
Will you please issue the following:
ncdump -v Times wrfinput_d02 >& wrfinput_d02.txt
and then attach that wrfinput_d02.txt file, along with your namelist.input file? Thanks!
Thank you. I rerun geogrid, ungrib, metgrid and real again and this time it worked. I have no explanation.
Interesting. Oh well - I'm glad it's working now, whatever the reason! Thanks for letting us know.