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Should we use Noah when we do not use urban canopy model?


New member
Hi everyone,

In my recent task, 2 sets of WRF experiments are designed. One is set with sf_urban_physics=1 and sf_surface_physics=2 to run with UCM coupling with Noah, and the other one having all urban land replaced with cropland with sf_urban_physics=0 (UCM closed), aiming at comparing 2 sets to find urbanization effects.
My question is, in the 2nd experiment we have no urban land, should we use Noah (sf_surface_physics=2) or juse close it ( sf_surface_physics=0)? Maybe the reason to keep sf_surface_physics=2 is to have only one different parameter (sf_urban_physics=1 or 0), but I do not know exactly whether it is proper to have sf_surface_physics=2 when there is no urban land. Thanks.
Please set sf_surface_physics = 2 no matter whether you have or have no urban points in your input data. Note that sf_surface_physics is the module that handles soil physics and it must be on for any real-data case.