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Use of option o3input=0

Hi all,

I am working on the effect of short lived climate forcers (SLCFs) to the radiation and energy balance, on simulation with semi-hemisferic domain over the Arctic.

I have tried to use the ozone calculated from WRF in the RRTMG radiation scheme, instead to use the default value from a file. I have tried to trace the variable inside the code, and in the end I found in the


the following if statement:

1679 !     Interpolating climatological ozone and aerosol to model time and levels
1680 !     Adapted from camrad code
1681 #if (EM_CORE==1)
1682      IF ( o3input .EQ. 2 .AND. id .EQ. 1 ) THEN
1683 #else
1684      IF ( o3input .EQ. 2 ) THEN
1685 #endif
1686 !       ! Find the current month (adapted from Cavallo)
1687 !       CALL cam_time_interp( ozmixm, pin, levsiz, date_str, &
1688 !                             ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1689 !                             ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1690 !                             its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1691 ! this is the CAM version
1692 ! interpolate to model time-step
1693         call ozn_time_int(julday,julian,ozmixm,ozmixt,levsiz,n_ozmixm,    &
1694                               ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde ,     &
1695                               ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme ,     &
1696                               its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1698 ! interpolate to model model levels
1699         call ozn_p_int(p ,pin, levsiz, ozmixt, o3rad, &
1700                               ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde ,     &
1701                               ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme ,  
1702                               its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1703      ENDIF

I can not see the option 0 (o3input=0 using profile inside the scheme), but only the option 2 (using CAM ozone data - ozone.formatted) so we would like to understand which is the value that WRF considers to calculate the ozone internally, or simply if someone has any experiences with this o3input option that can help me to understand more.

Another question, why this option is under physics? I have tried to run a WRF simulation, with o3input=0, but I had not error. How does model calculate the ozone if there is not the model chemistry considered?

Hi all,

I have just finished the first simulation using o3input=0, and I think that something going wrong with this option since the O3 value for all domain and time step, is 0.

Have you any suggestions about?

You are right that the CAM O3 data is processed only when o3inout =2 and this option only works for RRTMG, RRTMK, RRTMG_FAST schemes. CAM has its own method to initialize and consider ozone. For all other radiation schemes, o3input==0, and o3vmr==0. This indicates that ozone radiative effect is not considered in these radiation schemes except RRTMG series and CAM.

For your other question: why this option is under physics? I guess there is no specific reason for such a code structure. It is probably the way the developer(s) code wen they put the schemes in.
Hi Ming Chen,
thanks for your answer.

Maybe I did not explain properly, I used the option o3input=0, and what I found is that the ozone in the domain is zero for all time steps, so not only the radiation feedback to the RRTMG scheme is not considered, but the ozone value seems to be not calculated, is it that possibile?

See the attachment.



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    Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 16.59.51.png
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If o3input=3, then ozone radiative effects are not considered. ozone concentration is zero everywhere inside the model domain. You are right that not only the radiation feedback to the RRTMG scheme is not considered, but the ozone value seems to be not calculated.
To simulate O3 radiative effects, please set o3input =2 if you run with RRTMG.
If o3input=3, then ozone radiative effects are not considered. ozone concentration is zero everywhere inside the model domain. You are right that not only the radiation feedback to the RRTMG scheme is not considered, but the ozone value seems to be not calculated.
To simulate O3 radiative effects, please set o3input =2 if you run with RRTMG.
Ok, thanks for suggestions. you did write o3input=3, but I think you meant o3input=0, but I think I understood the mechanism.
I am sorry for the typo. Yes I meant o3input=0.
Too many options in the modeling system actually creates extra, unnecessary workload for users. Not sure whether some obsolete options/schemes can be removed in the future.