I was trying to generate a netcdf file that contains 0.25-degree landmask, land use type, and terrain information, which I thought would be achievable by just running the geogrid.exe with the global namelist setup (maybe needs additional interpolation process) without installing the whole WPS and WRF suites. I have copied the precompile WPS directory `/glade/u/home/wrfhelp/derecho_pre_compiled_code/wpsv4.4` to my work directory, but it seems like I don't have permission to edit the `namelist.wps` , `ls -lat` gives
-rw-r--r-- 1 wrfhelp ncar 705 Jan 9 13:37 namelist.wps
Is there a workaround to specify the namelist.wps? It is not impossible to delete the namelist.wps and create my own namelist in the directory I copied over.
Thank you,
I was trying to generate a netcdf file that contains 0.25-degree landmask, land use type, and terrain information, which I thought would be achievable by just running the geogrid.exe with the global namelist setup (maybe needs additional interpolation process) without installing the whole WPS and WRF suites. I have copied the precompile WPS directory `/glade/u/home/wrfhelp/derecho_pre_compiled_code/wpsv4.4` to my work directory, but it seems like I don't have permission to edit the `namelist.wps` , `ls -lat` gives
-rw-r--r-- 1 wrfhelp ncar 705 Jan 9 13:37 namelist.wps
Is there a workaround to specify the namelist.wps? It is not impossible to delete the namelist.wps and create my own namelist in the directory I copied over.
Thank you,