Thanks for your response!This is weird. You only need to modify the roof albedo in URBPARM_LCZ.TBL. Which urban physics did you use? Could you please also attach your urban fraction map and land type (with LCZ) map?
I am currently using the following configuration:
use_wudapt_lcz = 1,
mp_physics = 6, 6,
cu_physics = 1, 0,
ra_lw_physics = 1, 1,
ra_sw_physics = 1, 1,
bl_pbl_physics = 8, 8,
sf_sfclay_physics = 1, 1,
sf_surface_physics = 2, 2,
radt = 15, 15,
bldt = 0, 0,
cudt = 0, 0,
icloud = 1,
num_land_cat = 61,
sf_urban_physics = 3, 3,
fractional_seaice = 1,
I have also attached the land type map for reference.
Let me know if you need any further details. Thanks in advance!