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when compiling WPS 4.5 metgrid.exe uncreated


New member
I tried WRF 4.5 compiling, WRF compile completed succesfully but WPS step, geogrid.exe and ungrib.exe created but metgrid.exe uncreated. I need help WRF configure with 34'th option, WPS configure with 3'rd option. Here my confugure files.


    16.5 KB · Views: 4
3rd option is gfortran dmpar option. I didnt take error message, on configure and compile processes. Configure completed succesfully, compile completed and i didnt see metgrid.exe but geogrid and ungrib .exe's are created. I write the compile on log.compile file when i look this file one metgrid.exe error on 728 line so i attached this screenshot.


  • metgrid.error.PNG
    67.2 KB · Views: 9
The screen shot didn't include any valuable information. Please save the log file for me to take a look.
Although you may have compiled WRF with the dmpar option, it's not necessary to compile WPS with dmpar unless you plan to use very large domains (thousands x thousands of grid cells). Can you try to compile WPS serially to see if that makes any difference? Thanks!