I have a problem that seems to be related to the compiler. I just completed installing wrf4.3 but did not have much luck compiling wps.
The very first error message that appears in the output file “compile_wps.log” indicates that the problem has something to do with the compiler (e.g., "gfortran: error: big_endian: no such file or directory," etc). Why, for example, am I receiving GNU compiler error messages when I loaded an Intel module?
The first thing that I did was to load module data/netCDF-WRF/C-4.6.2_CXX-4.3.0_F-4.4.2_p-1.9.0-intel-2018.5.274. The wrf4.3 compilation completed successfully but the WPS compilation failed.
When I asked $which mpif90, it returned /opt/apps/software/mpi/impi/2018.4.274-iccifort-2018.5.274-GCC-6.3.0-2.26/bin64/mpif90, which surprised me because it seemed as though a different (GNU) compiler was being used, which would also help explain the GNU "gfortran: error" messages that appear in compile_wps.log.
When I configured WPS, I chose the Linux x86_64 Intel compiler (dmpar), i.e., number 19, and the configure.wps file clearly states that it did in fact load the Intel compiler.
Since I just compiled WRF and WPS on another supercomputer, I don't think that it is WRF4.3, through I'm not sure.
I can send my configure.wps and compile_wps.log files if there is any interest in getting to the bottom of the problem. Not sure why I'm getting GNU ("gfortran") compiler error messages when I loaded an Intel module and chose the Intel compiler in the configuration. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure what question to ask my IT staff to check and see what might be the problem.
The steps that I used to compile WPS were as follows:
1. $ cd /WPS-4.3 /where the configure and compile commands are for WPS/
2. $ module avail /data /to get a clean copy of the module name/
3. $ module load data/netCDF-WRF/C-4.6.2_CXX-4.3.0_F-4.4.2_p-1.9.0-intel-2018.5.274
4. $ set SHELL = /bin/csh
5. $ echo $SHELL
6. $ setenv WRF_DIR /home/myusername/WRFV4.3/WRF-4.3 /so WPS can find the wrf files/
7. $ srun -p sandbox -c 2 –mem=48G -t 120 –pty /bin/bash
8. $ ./clean -a
9. $ ./configure /number 19 (Linux x86_64 Intel compiler (dmpar)) is selected/
10. $ ./compile >& compile_wps.log
11. $ more compile_wps.log /where the first error messages that appear are “gfortran: error: big_endian: No such file or directory”; “gfortran: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-convert’”
12. $ which mpif90 /which returned /opt/apps/software/mpi/impi/2018.4.274-iccifort-2018.5.274-GCC-6.3.0-2.26/bin64/mpif90/
The very first error message that appears in the output file “compile_wps.log” indicates that the problem has something to do with the compiler (e.g., "gfortran: error: big_endian: no such file or directory," etc). Why, for example, am I receiving GNU compiler error messages when I loaded an Intel module?
The first thing that I did was to load module data/netCDF-WRF/C-4.6.2_CXX-4.3.0_F-4.4.2_p-1.9.0-intel-2018.5.274. The wrf4.3 compilation completed successfully but the WPS compilation failed.
When I asked $which mpif90, it returned /opt/apps/software/mpi/impi/2018.4.274-iccifort-2018.5.274-GCC-6.3.0-2.26/bin64/mpif90, which surprised me because it seemed as though a different (GNU) compiler was being used, which would also help explain the GNU "gfortran: error" messages that appear in compile_wps.log.
When I configured WPS, I chose the Linux x86_64 Intel compiler (dmpar), i.e., number 19, and the configure.wps file clearly states that it did in fact load the Intel compiler.
Since I just compiled WRF and WPS on another supercomputer, I don't think that it is WRF4.3, through I'm not sure.
I can send my configure.wps and compile_wps.log files if there is any interest in getting to the bottom of the problem. Not sure why I'm getting GNU ("gfortran") compiler error messages when I loaded an Intel module and chose the Intel compiler in the configuration. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure what question to ask my IT staff to check and see what might be the problem.
The steps that I used to compile WPS were as follows:
1. $ cd /WPS-4.3 /where the configure and compile commands are for WPS/
2. $ module avail /data /to get a clean copy of the module name/
3. $ module load data/netCDF-WRF/C-4.6.2_CXX-4.3.0_F-4.4.2_p-1.9.0-intel-2018.5.274
4. $ set SHELL = /bin/csh
5. $ echo $SHELL
6. $ setenv WRF_DIR /home/myusername/WRFV4.3/WRF-4.3 /so WPS can find the wrf files/
7. $ srun -p sandbox -c 2 –mem=48G -t 120 –pty /bin/bash
8. $ ./clean -a
9. $ ./configure /number 19 (Linux x86_64 Intel compiler (dmpar)) is selected/
10. $ ./compile >& compile_wps.log
11. $ more compile_wps.log /where the first error messages that appear are “gfortran: error: big_endian: No such file or directory”; “gfortran: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-convert’”
12. $ which mpif90 /which returned /opt/apps/software/mpi/impi/2018.4.274-iccifort-2018.5.274-GCC-6.3.0-2.26/bin64/mpif90/