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WRF computational requeriments

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hello! I would like to know what computational requirements (number of processors, speed or other considerations of interest) would you recommend me for generating hourly meteorological data for 1 year to use in dispersion models. Currently it takes me 4-5 hours to generate 1 day, so the time to run 1 year is very high. My smallest domain is 100*100 points and 31 levels high.

On the other hand, I think that using MPI improves times, but in the tests that I have carried out, I have not obtained improvements when going from 4 to 12 processors. For use MPI, I execute "mpirun -np 4 wrf.exe" (or -np 12). I need to do something else?

Thank so much for your help.
There are many things to consider regarding the right set-up to use, and many different things can make the simulation take longer - depending on various physics options, the actual system, size and resolution of domains, etc. It's difficult for us to tell you what would be best. However, I can point you to the FAQ that discusses how to determine a good number of processors for your case, which may be a good starting place.
ok, thank you very much.

I attach my namelist, wps and input, in case someone can tell me something that is slowing down the run.

I really appreciate your help, since the times I need must be much lower and I am looking for solutions.


  • namelist.input
    7.8 KB · Views: 21
  • namelist.wps
    949 bytes · Views: 19
Please take a look at the website here, which describes in detail computer hardware/software requirements:
unfortunately we don't have a software engineer to provide specific recommendations based on your case. Hope someone in the community may provide more information.