I'm attempting to use &diags output the wind, temperature, dew point temperature at 50m,100m and 110m, but in the output filed the TD_ZL, T_ZL, U_ZL, V_ZL were -999 on land, the variation trend of the values were normal on the sea. I'm not quite sure now how to go about fixing the problem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and guidance!
The set in the namelist.input as follow:
io_form_auxhist22 = 2,
auxhist22_interval = 60, 60,
frames_per_auxhist22 = 1000, 1000,
auxhist22_outname = "ZLEVS_d<domain>_<date>"
z_lev_diags = 1
num_z_levels = 3
z_levels = 50,100,110
I'm attempting to use &diags output the wind, temperature, dew point temperature at 50m,100m and 110m, but in the output filed the TD_ZL, T_ZL, U_ZL, V_ZL were -999 on land, the variation trend of the values were normal on the sea. I'm not quite sure now how to go about fixing the problem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and guidance!
The set in the namelist.input as follow:
io_form_auxhist22 = 2,
auxhist22_interval = 60, 60,
frames_per_auxhist22 = 1000, 1000,
auxhist22_outname = "ZLEVS_d<domain>_<date>"
z_lev_diags = 1
num_z_levels = 3
z_levels = 50,100,110