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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. L

    WRF-Chem (GHG) can't find VPRM TABLE

    When I run wrf.exe it says NO PARAMETER TABLE IS INCLUDED FOR THIS VPRM TABLE OPTION! Here is my error.log and namelist.input. I didn't find the VPRM TABLE in chemics_init.F either. If anyone can respond, I can't thank you enough.
  2. B

    unable to found CO2_BCK parameter

    Hi everyone I am working with co2 green house gases. I successfully ran mozbc tool for creating wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 and also added anthropogenic activities by creating wrfchemi_d01 file now issue is that i did not find CO2_BCK parameter in my processed file. i set up the chem_opt = 301...
  3. J

    Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.

    I have a problem, I am running the version wr-chem v4.4, my domain is set to three, but there is such a problem when running, anyone know how to solve it? Appreciate very much The questions are as follows: d01 2010-01-02_00:00:00 wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF corrupted size vs. prev_size Program...
  4. S

    disable chem impacts on met

    Hello, I understand how to run WRF-Chem with/without aerosol direct&indirect effects. But to run the model without the chemistry impacts on the meteorology, do I only need to turn off aer_ra_feedback in &chem? Is there any other settings needed to be changed? Thanks, Suqian
  5. E

    WRF compilation error module_mosaic_addemiss.f90(2029): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. check INCLUDE paths. [GOCART_DUST]

    When I export WRF_CHEM=1, compiling wrf reports the following error. For details, you can see the compilation log I uploaded (compile_fire.log). module_mosaic_addemiss.f90(2029): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. check INCLUDE paths. [GOCART_DUST] make[2]...
  6. L

    sea salt simulation

    Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to make some sea salt simulations over the colombian caribbean, but I have came across so many problems with the namelist.input. I have not been able to find a clear documentation about the chemistry module of WRF and even less about sea salt modelling with...
  7. B

    Issue in wrfout files after running wrf.exe command

    Hi Everyone I am working with Co2 anthropogeinc edgar dataset by using prep-chem source utility. My issue is that all commands has been successfully executed and after that when i see my wrfout file (by ncview command) then it shows meterological dataset but not showing co2, ch4 etc dataset I...
  8. L

    WRF RUN ERROR: Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference

    I'm running WRF452 on the Linux subsystem of my own Windows 11 system in my pc to simulate a typhoon. When I use ONE processor, wrf.exe runs successfully but slowly. However, when I use 16 processors for fast running speed, wrf.exe runs several hours and output 4 hours wrf_out* data, then it...
  9. Y

    Differences between compile and compile_new with WRF v4.6?

    Hello all, I'm trying to compile WRF v4.6.1. I noticed that for version 4.6 and 4.6.1 there are configure_new and compile_new along with configure and compile. While for older versions, they only have configure and compile. I'm wondering what are the differences between configure and...
  10. Y

    How to draw geopotential height at 850 hPa for WRF-Chem ouput via NCL?

    Hello, I'd like to draw geopotential height at 850 hPa for WRF-Chem output via NCL. I have variables as below. PH(Time, bottom_top_stag, south_north, west_east): perturbation geopotential [m2 s-2] PHB(Time, bottom_top_stag, south_north, west_east): base-state geopotential [m2 s-2] P(Time...
  11. L

    Using RADM2's wrfchemi to follow the CMBZ MOSAIC chemistry mechanism will result in segmentation errors

    When I use the RADM2 wrfchemi, I choose the chem_opt=10 emiss_inpt_opt=101 and emiss_opt=4, the WRFv4.5.2 programme runs for some time and then ends the process, I check the rsl file and it just shows the segmentation error, here is my namelist.input, I hope you can give me some guidance! The...
  12. Y

    What does bdy_width mean in wrfbdy_d01 file?

    Hello, I just wonder what does bdy_width mean in wrfbdy_d01 file. In my wrfbdy_d01 file, bdy_width = 5. float no2_BXS(Time, bdy_width, bottom_top, south_north) ; no2_BXS:FieldType = 104 ; no2_BXS:MemoryOrder = "XSZ" ; no2_BXS:description = "NO2 mixing ratio" ; no2_BXS:units = "ppmv" ...
  13. B

    Issue in CT2022 nc file while regridding

    Hi Everyone I downloaded data from this url( after that when i am trying to regridding it via cdo command, it giving me an error. Cdo command cdo remapbil,gridfile.txt
  14. T

    Using MOSAIC with Dust Emissions

    Hello, Is there a way to use MOSAIC with dust emissions in the WRF-Chem model? MOSAIC has 4 dust bins, while dust_opt uses 5 bins. I saw this post from a few years ago Problem running CBMZ-MOSAIC (4 bins) with AFWA dust scheme and was wondering if a solution was found. Thanks, Alexander
  15. S

    any other process change chem array outside chem?

    Hello, I am wondering if there are any processes would change chem array (e.g. gas) outside of chem (chem_driver)? I have checked the dyn_em and PBL, shallow cumulus won`t change chem in my case. But i am not very familiar with the other processes beyond chem_driver such as "chem_adv_tim" and...
  16. N

    WRF-Chem error at the start time: cma_ep.c:81, process_vm_readv

    Hi there, I'm running WRF-Chem with MOZART/MOSAIC option (chem_opt=201). The run crashes out at the start time with this error: I didn't find a similar error in the forum. Does anyone know what it is about? WPS and real.exe run with no issues. Also, when I use simpler chemistry options like...
  17. S

    Data Format Issues Related to .bin Files

    Hi all. I'm using PRE-CHEM-SRC to generate file for WRF following the exercise2(NOAA - Global Systems Laboratory). Unfortunately the convert_emiss can't run well. So I had to write my own Python program to convert the .bin file generated by PRE-CHEM-SRC into the .nc format. However, when I...
  18. S

    Error occurred when convert_emiss reading file

    Hi everyone, I'm using convert_emiss to conduct volcanic ash simulation following excercise 2(NOAA - Global Systems Laboratory) I have get the files(wrf_gocart_backg, emissopt3_d01, emissfire_d01, volcs_d01), and when I copy them to convert_emiss directory then run ./convert_emiss.exe, the error...
  19. Y

    wrf-chem compile error

    Dear all, I am working to compile WRF and WRF-Chem recently. I have compile WRF and WPS successfully, so I try to do more work to ocmpile wrf-chem. I use the gcc version is ( gcc (GCC) 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3)) and GNU Fortran (GCC) 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3). I believe the...
  20. S

    Anomalous change in Snow Cover/Depth in WRF-Chem

    Hello Everyone, I am currently working with WRF-Chem version 3.9.1, using the following inputs: - Meteorological Forcing Data: ERA5 . - Anthropogenic Emissions: EDGAR . - Biogenic Emissions: MEGAN . - Fire Emissions: FINN . - Chemical Boundary Conditions: WACCM/CAM-Chem. I am attaching my...