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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. Y

    WRF-Chem v3.9.1 has trouble compiling on derecho

    My WRF-Chem v3.9.1 used to compile successfully on Cheyenne. However, it is encountering compilation issues since the system was changed to Derecho. I have made changes to the WRF-Chem v3.9.1 code, so I cannot use a newer version of WRF. Here are the modules and directories loaded before...
  2. K

    which variables are the mixture ratio of sulfate and black carbon

    Greetings. Could someone please tell me what variables are the mixture ratio of sulfate and black carbon simulated by wrf-chem model? Are they so4_a0X and bc_a0X? But which bin should I choose? Thank you in advance.
  3. L

    WRF-Chem running error, can not read wrfchemi

    Hi, everybody I use meic2wrf to make wrfchemi, but when I run WRF-ChemV4.5.2, I found that it reports an error Error trying to read metadata, and then it's still running normally after that, but only the information of the weather variable is in the wrfout, and I would like to know what I...
  4. Z

    WRF_VPRM vprmpreproc

    Hi sir, Now I'm trying to run the preprocessor in WRF_VPRM using the version VPRMpreproc_LCC_R99. When I run it, part of the program is SMOOTHING: loess filtering. Now I want to know, can this smoothing step be skipped directly, and if not, do I need to provide data other than the MODIS data...
  5. P

    Running WRF with Future CMIP6 DATA

    Hello, We are trying to run WRF-CHEM simulations using CMIP6 data from future predictions. We were wondering if there is any way to include fire emission ( future fire emission) data in our runs. Thank you very much in advance, Polyvios
  6. A

    Adding an emission of a new chemical

    Hi, I am trying to add in new chemicals into WRF-Chem. To do this, I Copied and renamed a chemical mechanism from the KPP (in my case, it was RADM2_KPP) I renamed the files inside my new chemical mechanism to reflect the new name I adjusted the chemical equation file to reflect the chemical...
  7. S

    WRF CHEM 4.4.2 -- Simulation stops when using Single Layer Urban Canopy Model (forrtl: severe: SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred)

    Dear community, I have been trying to run WRF CHEM simulation using the single layer UCM (sf_urban_physics = 1), like the title says. However, no matter what I try the simulation stops after some period of time. I have conducted successful simulations using no urban (sf_urban_physics = 0) or...
  8. A

    How to add heating rate as a variable in the WRF output file

    Hello all, I want to add atmospheric heating rate as a variable in the WRF output files (i.e., 'wrfout_d0*' files). I have gone through a previous forum conversation (Output the atmospheric heating rate) and after considering the suggestions available in that conversation, I made a iofields file...
  9. Z

    Add new reactions in the gas phase in WRF-Chem (for example in WRF/chem/KPP/mechanisms/saprc99/)

    Dear all, I have problems in how to add new reactions in the gas phase in WRF-Chem? I want to add new reactions in saprc99.eqn. What revisions should I make? Are some revisions made automatically by the KPP methods in WRF-Chem? Could someone with relevant experiences help me with this problem...
  10. Q

    compilation error in building WRF-chem within COAWST

    Dear all, I'm using COAWST v3.7 (WRF v4.1) and want to compile WRF-chem and KPP, howerver I have problems in buiding executables. I've successfully ran WRF without chem. Here is the log file, Additionally, here are part of my enviroment settings in bashrc file: ### flex export...
  11. G

    WRF-Chem 3.7.1 vs 4.4

    I am new to running WRF-Chem. I want to know how different WRF-Chem v3.7.1 and v 4.4 are. Are there any references about it?
  12. Z

    What is "t_phy" from?

    Merry Christmas to all. I know the "t_phy" in chem code is the air temperature in the middle of each layer. But I don't know which variable in wrfout file represent it. Is it "T"? Thanks in advance.
  13. H

    Failed run WRF-Chem with LCZ and urban canopy scheme.

    Hi all, I tried to run WRF-Chem with LCZ and urban canopy scheme, but it failed. The attachments are namelist.input, namelist.wps, and rsl.error.* files. Please note that: 1. I tried to run WRF-Chem with default land use and it was successful. 2. I tried to run WRF-Chem with LCZ land use...
  14. S

    WRF-Chem produce extremely low NH3 gas when using chem_opt=132 (cb05_sorg_vbs_aq_kpp)

    Hello, I am using WRF-Chem v3.7.1 to look at the gas concentrations during Mar 2022. The model with chem_opt=132 produced very low NH3 gas concentration whic is obviously wrong. However, the resutls from some other options (e.g. chem_opt=131) makes more sense in terms of the magnitude and...
  15. A

    Errors related to points exceeded cfl=2 and gasodesolver_lsodes failure in running WRF-Chem using CBMZ-MOSAIC chemical mechanisms

    Dear all, I am performing WRF-Chem v3.9.1 simulations using the CBMZ-MOSAIC chemistry option (chem_opt=32). My parent domain simulation was completed successfully. But, after using ndown to generate boundary conditions for the nested domain files, I gave a run for the nested domain, and the...
  16. Z

    Errors when compiling WRF-Chem using the source code WRFV3.6.1 and WRFV3-Chem3.5.1

    I met a problem when compiling WRF-Chem on Cheyenne. There are some errors when compiling WRFV3.6.1 with Chem3.5.1. The log file is attached named compile.log.zjm. The other one is configure.wrf. BTW, I have succeeded to compile WRFV4.2 with chemistry before, so I guess it seems like a problem...
  17. Q

    If WRF-Chem is capable of modeling halogen chemistry?

    Hello,everyone! I read an article (Importance of reactive halogens in the tropical marine atmosphere: a regional modelling study using WRF-Chem) which used WRF-Chem to model the halogens and said MOZART-4 mechanism has been extended to include bromine, chlorine and iodine chemistry. Then I...
  18. W

    WRF-Chem stop when aerosol radiation feedback is open (aer_ra_feedback=1)

    Dear all, I have been stacked on this problem for half a year, I am gateful that if someone could help me solve this problem. My situation is that the WRF-Chem V3.9.1.1 is always stopped after photolysis driver (rsl.error.000?) and it also happens in latest version (WRF-Chem V4.5.1). The stop...
  19. S

    Does wrf-chem provide input and output data for benchmark test cases?

    Hello everyone! I just finished compiling wrf-chem and I'd like to know if it provides downloadable input and output examples? Just like wrf-cmaq in this URL: Let me test if it works successfully. In fact, I pay attention to the output of...
  20. K

    Understanding SOA

    Hello, I am currently engaged in a comprehensive inquiry into the methodology employed by WRF-Chem for SOA (Secondary Organic Aerosol) calculations. In my current configuration, I have MOSIAC integrated with MOZART, utilizing the chem_opt parameter set to 201, corresponding to...