Scheduled Downtime
On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. A

    Add EFFC variable to WRF-Chem output in morrison microphysics

    Hi all, I want to output EFFC (Cloud droplet effective radius) to the WRF-Chem output file. These are the steps I followed: 1. Added 'EFFC' in the MP_MORR_TWO_MOMENT subroutine in phys/module_mp_morr_two_moment.F file similar to rainprod/evapprod in line 575. 2. Added 'EFFC' in line 140 and...
  2. K

    Call for Abstracts: AMS 2025 Session on Wildfire Influence on Aerosol, Cloud, and Climate

    Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite abstract submissions to the session 68966, "Wildfire Influence on Aerosol, Cloud, and Climate," for the American Meteorological Society’s 17th Symposium on Aerosol Cloud Climate Interactions to be held on January 12 - 16, 2025, in New Orleans, LA...
  3. C

    New User Guide for WRF-GHG / WRF-VPRM

    Hello WRF-GHG Community, I'm excited to share a new resource that I hope many of you will find useful: “WRF-GHG User Guide.” You can access it via this DOI link: 🔗 WRF-GHG user guide - Repository of BIRA-IASB What’s Inside? This guide offers a comprehensive overview focused on the greenhouse...
  4. T

    wrfinput files don't match first wrfout file

    Hello, I am trying to use mozbc to input dust data to the wrfinput file. This correctly works, and the dust data shows up in the wrfinput file. The problem is that when I run WRF-Chem, the first wrfout file does not contain any dust information. It basically starts the dust variable from...
  5. A

    Query related to the organic carbon variables while using RADM2-MADE/SORGAM as a chemistry option

    Dear all, I am running WRF-Chem version 3.9.1 using RADM2-MADE/SORGAM as a chemistry option (chem_opt=2). After getting the successful run, I found the following variables related to organic carbon in the model output: float orgaro1j(Time, bottom_top, south_north, west_east) ...
  6. W

    Problem while running WRF-Chem V4.5 with chem_opt=301

    The program got stuck without any error message. No output or log entry appears even after 20 hr. I had to kill the program forcibly. The last few lines of the rsl.error file are: “d01 2024-04-01_00:00:00 calling conv transport for chemical species d01 2024-04-01_00:00:00 calling calc_het_n2o5...
  7. A

    Error while running WRF-Chem V4.5.1 with CBMZ and MOSAIC chemistry

    Hello, I wish to use WRF-Chem V4.5.1 together with the CBMZ/MOSAIC chemistry option on two nested domains over Eastern Europe for a simulation of 54 hours. However, the run stops after some time whenever I select aerchem_onoff = 1 for my domains in order to include aerosol chemistry. The run...
  8. L

    WRFCHEM/UCM simulation stops with sfc_urban_physics=1

    Dear community, I am running wrf-chem 3.9.1 version with sfc_urban_physics=1. But it stops at the first running time when dealing with domain2. It shows forrtl: error (78) in rsl.error. However, it ran sucessfully with sfc_urban_physics=0. I tried some tests. when 4 nodes ,per nodes with 64...
  9. A

    WRF-Chem Version 4.6 stuck (no error) in compilation with KPP for a day

    Good day from Tokyo. Our university supercomputer was recently upgraded, so it's also high time to compile the updated versions of WRF. Following the procedure for compiling WRF-Chem with the KPP seems to go smoothly (see attached compile.log). However, for more than a day of leaving it to...
  10. William.Hatheway

    WRF-CHEM w/kpp && WRF-CHEMDA v4.6.0 - Intel LLVM Compilers

    Hello admins @islas @weiwang @kwerner @jordanschnell , @mgduda With the release of WRF v4.6.0, I have conducted a series of evaluations on the Weather Research and Forecasting Model Chemistry (WRF-Chem) version 4.6.0, utilizing the Intel LLVM Compilers and associated libraries. The purpose of...
  11. L

    WRFDA 3DVar cycle assimilation of PM2.5 and PM10 seems to have restarted at the second moment

    Hello everyone: When I was working on the cycle mode of WRFDA, I conducted data assimilation at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 respectively. I found that after completing the assimilation at 6:00 and linking to the WRF running directory, the namelist should be integrated from 6:00 to 12:00...
  12. O

    In MOZCART mechanism the PM2_5_DRY and PM10 variables in the first output wrfout file will always be 0, and also the P10 and P25

    Hi,all! I have used the MOZCART(chem_opt=112) mechanism to stimulate a case. However, I found that the PM2_5_DRY and PM10 variables in the first output wrfout file will always be 0, and also the P10 and P25. I have checked the initial condition file and boundary file of my stimulation. The...
  13. Z

    How to run WRF_VPRM in WRF4.3?

    Hi guys, I'm currently learning to use WRF_VPRM. I carefully read the WRF_GHG manual and the WRF-CHEM user guide 4.4. But I have a question now, I use WRF-CHEM version 4.3, I hope to be able to run WRF-VPRM with chem_opt=16, use VPRM to provide fluxes and combine with other lists to calculate...
  14. H

    WRFCHEMV3.9.1.1 generates huge wrfbdy file

    I used the same settings and files for ten days for real.exe and the wrfbdy file generated in V4.5.2 was only 7GB, but in V3.9.1.1 it reached 34GB! What caused it?
  15. Z

    How to use VPRMpreproc results to run WRF_CHEM in auxinput15

    Hi, guys, I hope I can get your help. At present, I have successfully completed the operation of VPRMpreproc program, and got seven related parameters, such as LSWI, LSWI_max/min, EVI, EVI_max/min and vegetation_fraction_map. But these seven parameters are divided into seven files. So, my...
  16. W

    Hey,I have a question about complie WRC-ChemV4.5

    Here are the details. When I try to compile the WRF-ChemV4.5, alwsys failed to find the four .exe in mian. Thins is my /.bashrc and I will post other files in attachment. As you can see in errors_comp.txt , there are some mistakes "‘ Makefile:50: warning: overriding recipe for target `.F.o'...
  17. Q

    How to use wrf-chem to simulate dimenthly sulfide(DMS)

    Dear WRF-Chem officials I want to use WRF-Chem to simulate DMS and its impact on air quality. Although the user manuals do include some information about DMS, I still have many questions. As many articles mentioned, the sources of DMS include 3 main aspects: oceanic, anthropogenic and...
  18. William.Hatheway

    WRF-Chem tutorial 1 missing namelist.wps

    On this webpage Under exercise 1. There is only one option to download a namelist.input file. However, to run the WPS commands you need a namelist.wps. Did the link get removed by mistake @jordanschnell
  19. William.Hatheway

    How to download WRF-CHEM tutorial data exercise 1 - 4

    Hello, This is a tutorial that will show step by step how to download the WRF-CHEM tutorial data located on the ftp site. Step 1: Open a new terminal window Step 2. Make a new folder called WRF-Chem-Tutorials mkdir WRF-CHEM-Tutorials Step 3. Move to the new folder created in the terminal...
  20. W

    open_aux_u : error opening wrffirechemi_d01_2020-02-01_00:00:00 for reading. 100

    I run the RUN.exe with no error . But when i look the rsl.error.000 I get one error don't make the run error but make its result not exact. open_aux_u : error opening wrffirechemi_d01_2020-02-01_00:00:00 for reading. 100 Have any friends meet this question? I really need your help ...