First of all, if you are using the
EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism, then this emission dataset is for the year 2015. So, if your study year is 2016, then
'data_yrs_offset' should be 1. And,
'serial_output' specifies whether or not the output WRF dataset(s) are diurnal or serial. The default value is .false. which means the anthro_emis will output two diurnal datasets per domain :
wrfchemi_00z_d<nn> and wrfchemi_12z_d<nn>. Each dataset will have 12 hourly values.
If on the other hand you have specified :
serial_output = .true. in the namelist file then anthro_emis will produce a series of WRF emission datasets per domain :
wrfchemi_d<nn>_<date>. Each dataset containing a single time point. The exact number of datasets produced depends on the : start_output_time, stop_output_time, and output_interval namelist settings. I hope it is clear to you now.
Best wishes,