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Error in running WRF-Chem Version using MOZART-MOSAIC option (chem_opt=202)

By the way,I use MEGAN to make bio-source emissions, io_form_auxinput6 is set to 2, bio_emiss_opt is set to 3, and the wrfbiochemi generated by running megan_bio_emiss looks fine, but why is the MEBIS_ ISOP value in wrfout 0?
Yes, if you prepare the inputs for all months, there should not be an issue.
Hi Haopeng,

Is MEBIO_ISOP = 0 in the wrfinput_d01 flle?

Hi Jordan
Thank you very much for your reply.
You 're right, and I have solved this problem.
The reason is that I forgot to turn on the option to read wrfbiochemi data after I finished real.exe after preparing the biological source emission data.
Best wishes,
This is the link: EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism. Yes, it has a date and a datesec variable.
Best wishes,
Hello Ankan,

Regarding the emissions you used (24 hr daily), how did you generate it with anthro_emiss, please? I encountered error in generating 24hrs daily emission files from EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism emissions using anthro_emiss utility. It only generates 2 12hrs files (by serial_output =false). Kindly put me through. Below is part of my namelist:

sub_categories = 'TOTAL'
serial_output = .true.
start_output_time = '2016-01-01_00:00:00'
stop_output_time = '2016-01-31_00:00:00'
output_interval = 86400,
data_yrs_offset = 6
emissions_zdim_stag = 1,

Thanks and regards
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Hello @Catalyst26,
First of all, if you are using the EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism, then this emission dataset is for the year 2015. So, if your study year is 2016, then 'data_yrs_offset' should be 1. And, 'serial_output' specifies whether or not the output WRF dataset(s) are diurnal or serial. The default value is .false. which means the anthro_emis will output two diurnal datasets per domain :
wrfchemi_00z_d<nn> and wrfchemi_12z_d<nn>. Each dataset will have 12 hourly values.
If on the other hand you have specified : serial_output = .true. in the namelist file then anthro_emis will produce a series of WRF emission datasets per domain : wrfchemi_d<nn>_<date>. Each dataset containing a single time point. The exact number of datasets produced depends on the : start_output_time, stop_output_time, and output_interval namelist settings. I hope it is clear to you now.
Best wishes,
Hello @Catalyst26,
First of all, if you are using the EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism, then this emission dataset is for the year 2015. So, if your study year is 2016, then 'data_yrs_offset' should be 1. And, 'serial_output' specifies whether or not the output WRF dataset(s) are diurnal or serial. The default value is .false. which means the anthro_emis will output two diurnal datasets per domain :
wrfchemi_00z_d<nn> and wrfchemi_12z_d<nn>. Each dataset will have 12 hourly values.
If on the other hand you have specified : serial_output = .true. in the namelist file then anthro_emis will produce a series of WRF emission datasets per domain : wrfchemi_d<nn>_<date>. Each dataset containing a single time point. The exact number of datasets produced depends on the : start_output_time, stop_output_time, and output_interval namelist settings. I hope it is clear to you now.
Best wishes,
Hello Ankan,

Thanks for your response. Yes, I am using EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism. I have set the serial_output = .true., but couldn't generate day specific emissions files for the whole period of simulation (31 days) in January. Do I need to modify the emission files (EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism) to generate the desired emission files?

Thanks and regards
Hello @Catalyst26,
If this kind of error is coming, then maybe it is related to the date and datesec variables that you have to change. Just look online, and maybe you will find any useful information regarding this that can help you out.
Best wishes,
Hello all,

Can you clarify how the diurnal emissions are produced by anthro_emis utility ?
Do the two 12-h files, do they have a top-hat-like shape? if so, what is this based on? Is it assumed the same for all the sectors and pollutants and regions?

IT would be a great help. Alos, if there is any information about this documented anywhere.
