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running wrf-chem

  1. S

    memory corruption when using convert_emiss

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to simulate the eruption of Changbai Mountain(Baekdu Mountain) following the WRF-Chem Emissions Guide .( But It always failed when I runed the convert_emiss program because memory corruption following is my...
  2. Y

    The mod file missing during compile WRF-Chem

    Hi all I use gfortran as compiler. For configure setting, I choose 34 and 1. But during compile process, there is some fatal error for some mod file missing. I am not sure how to solve that. I have attached my compile.log file and configure.wrf in this post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. A

    Questions about "force_use_old_data"

    When running wrf.exe, if I set "force_use_old_data = F" in the namelist.input, it will say: start_domain_em: numgas = 5 mediation_integrate.G 1944 DATASET=HISTORY mediation_integrate.G 1945 grid%id 1 grid%oid 1 Timing for Writing...
  4. H

    Why the concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 in the wrfout file are identical with chem_opt=202 ?

    Hi everyone, I am currently running WRF-CHEM 4.2 with chem_opt=202, emiss_opt=3, and emiss_inpt_opt=111. I use emiss_opt=3 because the anthropogenic emission data I downloaded, MEIC, is for the RADM2 mechanism. I have observed that the concentration of PM10 in the wrfchemi file is greater...
  5. Z

    error with *** gasodesolver_rodas failure***

    Hi, everybody When I ran WRF-ChemV3.9.1, I found that it reported an error with *** gasodesolver_rodas failure no.1000***, I tried to modify my namelist, such as reducing the integration step size dt and modifying max_dom=1, but I still reported the same error after another hour of simulation...
  6. A

    Query related to the organic carbon variables while using RADM2-MADE/SORGAM as a chemistry option

    Dear all, I am running WRF-Chem version 3.9.1 using RADM2-MADE/SORGAM as a chemistry option (chem_opt=2). After getting the successful run, I found the following variables related to organic carbon in the model output: float orgaro1j(Time, bottom_top, south_north, west_east) ...
  7. F

    WRF-Chem coupled with VPRM CO2 concentration odd when employing a three-layer nesting, without nesting the output CO2 concentration is correct.

    Dear all: I would like to ask for your advice. When simulating CO2 concentrations using WRF-Chem version 4.0 coupled with VPRM, with exactly the same anthropogenic emissions inventory, VPRM input files, and namelist.input, the spatial distribution of CO2 concentration results appears normal...
  8. L

    WRFDA 3DVar cycle assimilation of PM2.5 and PM10 seems to have restarted at the second moment

    Hello everyone: When I was working on the cycle mode of WRFDA, I conducted data assimilation at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 respectively. I found that after completing the assimilation at 6:00 and linking to the WRF running directory, the namelist should be integrated from 6:00 to 12:00...
  9. W

    Hey,I have a question about complie WRC-ChemV4.5

    Here are the details. When I try to compile the WRF-ChemV4.5, alwsys failed to find the four .exe in mian. Thins is my /.bashrc and I will post other files in attachment. As you can see in errors_comp.txt , there are some mistakes "‘ Makefile:50: warning: overriding recipe for target `.F.o'...
  10. W

    WRF-Chem tutorial 1 missing namelist.wps

    On this webpage Under exercise 1. There is only one option to download a namelist.input file. However, to run the WPS commands you need a namelist.wps. Did the link get removed by mistake @jordanschnell
  11. W

    How to download WRF-CHEM tutorial data exercise 1 - 4

    Hello, This is a tutorial that will show step by step how to download the WRF-CHEM tutorial data located on the ftp site. Step 1: Open a new terminal window Step 2. Make a new folder called WRF-Chem-Tutorials mkdir WRF-CHEM-Tutorials Step 3. Move to the new folder created in the terminal...
  12. G

    WRF-Chem and InfiniBand (or lack thereof)

    Howdy Folks: I have a quick question. Our cluster administrators decided to replace their InfiniBand switch with straight ethernet a few weeks ago. I tried to launch a few WRF-Chem jobs to the cluster. A very small amount went through without issues, but most of them came down with the...
  13. Y

    I can't use multithreading to run wrf-chem, but single thread is ok.

    Hello, everyone! I encountered problems when running wrf.exe in WRF-4.4.1. I used anthro_emis to process edgar data and mozbc to optimize chemical boundary. I successfully ran wrf.exe with a single thread, but it can't work with more than two threads. Attached are the namelist.input and...
  14. A

    Facing Rosenbrock solver step size too small issue when running WRF.exe

    Hi, everyone. I am new to WRF-Chem. I am following a tutorial video from youtube and try to run wrfchem with emission data. But I cannot get the result when I am running wrf.exe The attachments are my namelist.input and namelist.wps. I am using ubuntu22.02 in WSL. I have tried to use other...
  15. G

    WRF-Chem 3.7.1 vs 4.4

    I am new to running WRF-Chem. I want to know how different WRF-Chem v3.7.1 and v 4.4 are. Are there any references about it?
  16. H

    Failed run WRF-Chem with LCZ and urban canopy scheme.

    Hi all, I tried to run WRF-Chem with LCZ and urban canopy scheme, but it failed. The attachments are namelist.input, namelist.wps, and rsl.error.* files. Please note that: 1. I tried to run WRF-Chem with default land use and it was successful. 2. I tried to run WRF-Chem with LCZ land use...
  17. A

    Errors related to points exceeded cfl=2 and gasodesolver_lsodes failure in running WRF-Chem using CBMZ-MOSAIC chemical mechanisms

    Dear all, I am performing WRF-Chem v3.9.1 simulations using the CBMZ-MOSAIC chemistry option (chem_opt=32). My parent domain simulation was completed successfully. But, after using ndown to generate boundary conditions for the nested domain files, I gave a run for the nested domain, and the...
  18. A

    Query on the mapping of aerosol species in mozbc input file for RADM2-MADE/SORGAM chemical mechanism while using CAM-Chem output for chemical IC/BC

    Dear everyone, I ran WRF-Chem successfully with the RADM2-MADE/SORGAM chemistry option (chem_opt=11) using MOZART4 data to include chemical IC/BC in the wrfbdy and wrfinput files. But the MOZART4 data is not available after January 21, 2018. So, to simulate the recent periods, I have to use the...
  19. S

    WRF-CHEM: STOP in Noah-MP read_mp_veg_parameters

    WHEN I RAN WRF-CHEM, SOMETHING ERROR HAS BEEN SHOWN LIKE THIS: D01: Ratio Including Maximum Map Factor = 2.265266 (s/km) D01: NML defined reasonable_time_step_ratio = 6.000000 Climate GHG input from file from year 1765 to 2499 CO2 range = 277.913000000000...
  20. J

    wrf-chem tutorial exercise 1:after running real.exe,when l used nvciew viewing wrfinput_d01,the value of dust_1 is all 0.

    i wonder why this happens ?how can i solve this problems? namelist.input is below. thank you very much!