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GHGs won't update on restart


I am using WRF 4.4.2 with ghg_input = 1 for long term regional climate simulations.

I notice that when I restart the model, say, 7 years into the simulation (2106), that my GHG values in the rsl files are still for the initial date (2009).

I'm assuming that this is an issue with the timers used in the code. Is there any workaround for this?

Incidentally, for my high-resolution nests, I'm cold starting the model every year and thus not dealing with this issue....

Best, and thank you,
Hi Stefan,
I first would like to apologize for the long delay in response. We have been busy preparing for the WRF tutorial taking place this week. Can you try to add (ini the &time_control namelist record)
override_restart_timers = .true.
and see if that makes any difference?
Thanks so much for the response, and I totally understand the delay. Actually, the override is already set. See the namelist below ( could set it to false and see what happens?):

!!!!!For the 25-km experiments' wrf.exe execution

!run_days controls the integration time

!run_days should always be 180 or less


run_days = 90,

run_hours = 0,

run_minutes = 0,

run_seconds = 0,

start_year = 2016,

start_month = 03,

start_day = 28,

start_hour = 00,

end_year = 2016,

end_month = 08,

end_day = 01,

end_hour = 00,

interval_seconds = 21600

input_from_file = .true.,

history_interval = 360,

frames_per_outfile = 1,

restart = .true.,

restart_interval = 14400,

write_hist_at_0h_rst = .false.

adjust_output_times = .true.,

override_restart_timers = .true.

io_form_history = 2

io_form_restart = 2

io_form_input = 2

io_form_boundary = 2

io_form_auxinput2 = 2

io_form_auxinput4 = 2

auxinput4_inname = "wrflowinp_d<domain>",

auxinput4_interval_m = 360,

!3-hourly files

auxhist7_outname = "hour3_d<domain>_<date>",

auxhist7_interval = 180,

frames_per_auxhist7 = 1,

io_form_auxhist7 = 2

!hourly files

auxhist8_outname = "hour1_d<domain>_<date>",

auxhist8_interval = 60,

frames_per_auxhist8 = 1,

io_form_auxhist8 = 2

debug_level = 0,



time_step = 120,

use_adaptive_time_step = .true.,

step_to_output_time = .true.

target_cfl = 1.2, 1.2

max_step_increase_pct = 5, 51

adaptation_domain = 1

starting_time_step = -1, -1

max_time_step = -1, -1

min_time_step = 1, 1,

max_dom = 1,

parent_id = 1,

parent_grid_ratio = 1,

i_parent_start = 1,

j_parent_start = 1,

s_we = 1,

s_sn = 1,

e_we = 501,

e_sn = 321,

sfcp_to_sfcp = .true.,

e_vert = 40,

p_top_requested = 5000,

num_metgrid_levels = 38,

num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4,

dx = 25000,

dy = 25000,

grid_id = 1,

parent_time_step_ratio = 1,

feedback = 0,

smooth_option = 0

smooth_cg_topo = .true.,




mp_zero_out = 2,

mp_zero_out_thresh = 1.e-8

slope_rad = 1,

topo_shading = 1,

shadlen = 1,

ysu_topdown_pblmix = 1,

sf_ocean_physics = 0,

isftcflx = 1,

oml_hml0 = 50

oml_gamma = 0.14

mp_physics = 51,

cu_physics = 16,

ra_lw_physics = 4,

ra_sw_physics = 4,

bl_pbl_physics = 1,

sf_sfclay_physics = 1,

sf_surface_physics = 4,

!link appropriate SSP file to CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio

ghg_input = 1,

radt = 20,

bldt = 0,

cudt = 0,

icloud = 1,

num_land_cat = 21,

sf_urban_physics = 0,

sst_update = 1,

sst_skin = 1,

sf_lake_physics = 1,

use_lakedepth = 1,



opt_run = 5,

opt_sfc = 1,

opt_rsf = 1,

opt_snf = 1,

opt_rad = 1


dveg = 7,

opt_irr = 3,

opt_irrm = 1,



grid_fdda = 2,

gfdda_inname = "wrffdda_d<domain>"

gfdda_interval_m = 360,

gfdda_end_h = 48000000,

io_form_gfdda = 2

fgdt = 0,

if_no_pbl_nudging_uv = 1,

if_no_pbl_nudging_t = 1,

if_no_pbl_nudging_q = 1,

if_no_pbl_nudging_ph = 1,

if_zfac_uv = 0,

if_zfac_t = 0,

if_zfac_q = 0,

guv = 0.00003,

gt = 0.00003,

gq = 0.,

gph = 0.00003,

xwavenum = 8,

ywavenum = 5,




diff_6th_opt = 1,

hybrid_opt = 0,

w_damping = 0,

diff_opt = 2,

km_opt = 4,

diff_6th_factor = 0.12,

base_temp = 290.

damp_opt = 3,

zdamp = 10000.,

dampcoef = 0.2,

khdif = 0,

kvdif = 0,

non_hydrostatic = .true.,

moist_adv_opt = 1,

scalar_adv_opt = 1,

gwd_opt = 0,



spec_bdy_width = 10,

relax_zone = 9,

specified = .true.





nio_tasks_per_group = 0,

nio_groups = 1,

with the gig_input = 1 option, green house gases are interpolated to the time of your integration. Please see the code phys/module_ra_clWRF_support.F for more details. For a restart run, it should not be calculated from the initial time.
Hi Ming,

Unfortunately, the concentrations are being used from year of the cold start rather than the years of the restart, hence motivating this post.

There is no indication in the subroutine you directed me to that this should be or could be an issue, so I am wondering if I need to modify the code to fix this issue.


I have just found that the model is in fact updating GHGs. The confusion comes in in module_physics_init.F, which always presents the cold start GHG concentrations (interpolated by Julian date). However, in printing out the values in radiation code, I can see that they are clearly updating. Sorry for the confusion.
That is good to know! I was running some tests and seeing the same thing as you with the RSL printed information. Thank you for sending the update.