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Is it recommended to use the same spatial resolution for all surface parameters?


New member
Dear users,

The WRF model has 30 arc-seconds (~900 meters) as the higher spatial resolution by default. I read many papers where authors changed the topography (HGT) to a higher resolution (e.g. 90 meters). I also managed to change it. But now I have a question. The another surface parameters such as albedo, landuse, soil temperature, etc., still having 30 arc-seconds of resolution. Could that inconsistency between the HGT (~90 meters) and the another parameters (~900 meters) have any impact on the simulation? Is it recommended to use the same spatial resolution for all surface parameters?
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I don't believe it's uncommon to use varying resolutions for different static fields. You could try a small test to see if it causes any negative impact before running your full simulation.