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Issue using High Resolution SRTM_3S topography data from the Cheyenne


New member
Hello WRF Community,

I am trying to use SRTM_3s topography data from the Cheyenne WPS_GEOG directory for my 259m (do4) and 86.3m (do5) resolution simulation run. I have done the following necessary steps to execute this:
1. Edit GEOGRID.TBL file by setting lines to HGT_M:
interp_option = SRTM_3s:average_gcell(4.0)+four_pt+average_4pt
rel_path = SRTM_3s:SRTM_topo_3s/
2. Edit namelist.wps
geog_data_res = '5m','2m','30s','SRTM_3s+30s','SRTM_3s+30s',

After the successful geogrid run, I checked the HGT_M variable for all domains using ncview. I do see the topography height for d01, do2, and d03; however, do4 (259m) and d05 (86.3m) don't show any topography height. The output of the HGT_M gives 0 everywhere. Note that, for d04 and d05 I am trying to use SRTM_3s topography data.
I have attached namelist.wps and GEOGRID.TBL files to this thread for your kind consideration.
My working directory in Cheyenne: /glade/scratch/skarim/fire_project/yarnell_hill_fire/WRFV3.6.1/WPS/

At this point, I am completely stuck. I am seeking your help to resolve this issue.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

With Regards
I have attached namelist.wps and GEOGRID.TBL files to this thread for your kind consideration.


  • GEOGRID and
    2.5 KB · Views: 17
Hi, I apologize for the delay in response. I tested with your namelist and GEOGRID.TBL. I see the same as you when I try this for WPSV3.6.1, but when I use the latest version (WPSV4.4) it seems to work correctly. Can you try using the latest version of WPS to see if that works for you?
Thank you, Ms. Werner, for your valuable reply. It's working for me as well with WRFV4.4. I am wondering why it's not working with WRFV3.6.1?
Thanks again for your help.

With Best Regards
Thanks for testing that. Unfortunately, V3.6.1 is very old and we no longer are able to support it and make modifications. However, even if you're planning to run WRFV3.6.1, it's okay to use a newer WPS for preprocessing.