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metgrid error in ext_pkg_write_field

This seems more like a data issue. I am suspicious that the data you downloaded may not be correct.
Please clarify where did you get the GFS data and what variables are included in the data.
Dear @Ming Chen,
Did you figure out my problem? I again tried by downloading the fresh data from NCAR RDA Dataset ds083.2 Data Access. But, again, I am getting the same error. Can you please help me to solve this issue?
I am really looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,
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I again gave some test runs using the same domain but with datasets for different periods, including NCEP-FNL and NCEP-GDAS FNL data. These are the datasets I used in my previous work and got successful runs. I am now pretty sure that there is nothing wrong with domain setup. So, I think you are correct, @Ming Chen. There is something wrong with the data. But I tried different techniques to download both NCEP-FNL and NCEP-GDAS FNL data for the study period (including using the csh download script, even downloading one by one). However, every time I got the same error. So, can you please tell me if the data is correct or not? And if it is not correct, then from where can I download the FNL data for my study?
I am eagerly waiting for your reply. Any help will be highly appreciated.
With regards,

I download the FNL data from the website you posted. below are a few example files:


and run WPS using your namelist.wps.

All works fine, metgrid.exe runs successfully.

Can you check whether you have the same data as I have?
Dear @Ming Chen,
I downloaded the 6-hourly FNL data using the 'CSH DOWNLOAD SCRIPT' available after selecting the FNL data for the study period. For your convenience, I am attaching both the 'CSH DOWNLOAD SCRIPT' and the screenshot of how one can get this script. If you open the script, you will see the following lines:
set filelist= ( \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
I tried again after downloading the fresh data using this method, but again I got the same error. If I compare the download path of yours with mine, then the only difference I can see is in the first directory path, i.e., '/data/' (your case) and '' (my case). After all the test runs, my guess is that the issue may be coming from the data itself. So, how did you download the data? Can you please explain it elaboratively? That will be very helpful for me. I am really looking forward to getting any guidance from you.
With regards,


  • rda-download.txt
    2.7 KB · Views: 1
  • screenshot_ncepfnldatadonwload.JPG
    131 KB · Views: 1
I use NCAR HPC (derecho), and the data can be read directly from derecho. I didn't run any script to download the data.
However, looking at the datafiles you posted, I beleive they are the same as the data I used.
The issues you have look weird. Can you recompile WPS, then try again? I cannot repeat your errors using various versions of WPS. In fact they all work fine. This makes it hard for me to track what is wrong....
Dear @Ming Chen,
Is the data from NCAR HPC accessible for public?Can I access?Are you using any ftp server?If so, can you please provide the link? That will be very helpful.
With regards,
Dear @Ming Chen,
I am glad to share that when I switched to ERA5 data for the same period, it worked. Now, ungrib.exe and metgrid.exe ran successfully without throwing any errors. That means somehow the NCEP FNL or NCEP GDAS FNL data for that period may have some issues. I don't know why, but it seems like it was causing the issues. Thank you for your continuous responses.
With regards,
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Dear @Ming Chen,
I am also having the same error after running metgrid.exe. In my case too, geogrid.exe and ungrib.exe ran successfully. Earlier, I did the simulations for other works, and every time metgrid.exe ran successfully. But I don't know why this time I am getting this error. I want to mention the following points, which I didn't see before, but this time I am facing them:. They are:
(1) During ungrib.exe, I saw the following lines, which were printed before showing " ! Successful completion of ungrib. !"

Name of source model =>NCEP GFS Analysis GRID 3
Interpolating to fill in UU at level 40.00 hPa using levels 50.00 hPa and 30.00 hPa
Interpolating to fill in UU at level 15.00 hPa using levels 20.00 hPa and 10.00 hPa
Interpolating to fill in VV at level 40.00 hPa using levels 50.00 hPa and 30.00 hPa
Interpolating to fill in VV at level 15.00 hPa using levels 20.00 hPa and 10.00 hPa
Interpolating to fill in RH at level 40.00 hPa using levels 50.00 hPa and 30.00 hPa
Interpolating to fill in RH at level 15.00 hPa using levels 20.00 hPa and 10.00 hPa

(2) In the metgrid.log file, the following lines are printed at the end:

2024-03-05 00:56:15.231 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW100200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SW.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.231 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SW.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.231 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW010200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 2.000000 of SW.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.231 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOIL_LAYERS
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILM
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM000 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 0.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM005 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 5.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM020 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 20.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM160 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 160.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM001 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM004 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM030 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 30.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM060 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 60.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of SOILM.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILT
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT000 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 0.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT005 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 5.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT020 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 20.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT160 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 160.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT050 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 49.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT050 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 51.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT001 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT004 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 10.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT030 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 30.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT060 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 60.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILT100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 100.000000 of SOILT.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOIL_LEVELS
2024-03-05 00:56:15.232 --- INFORM: Going to create the field PRES
2024-03-05 00:56:15.241 --- INFORM: PRES at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.282 --- INFORM: Field LANDSEA.mask does not have a valid mask and will not be checked for missing values
2024-03-05 00:56:15.327 --- Initializing output module.
2024-03-05 00:56:15.330 --- ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field

For your convenience, I am also attaching the metgrid.log file. Can you please help me to solve this issue? Do I have to change the 'METGRID.TBL' file? Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am really looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,
I also had the same issue. Even though the ungrib.exe shows some data may not be written completely... Can you please check whether all the output files of ungrib.exe have the same file size. If some files have different file size, you have to recheck the input files of those days.
I can say it specifically if you can post the ungrib.log and metgrid.log here.
Thank you.
Thank you