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Modify aerosol over part of the domain

Wenhui Zhao

New member
Hi everyone,

I am trying to increase water friendly aerosol number concentration over the Great Barrier Reef to test the sensitivity of clouds to aerosol loading. The Thompson Aerosol Aware microphysical scheme is applied, and auxiliary aerosol climatology is used (QNWFA_QNIFA_SIGMA_MONTHLY.dat).

What we've tried is modifying W_WIF_MON (e.g. W_WIF_JAN) variables in the met_em_* files. However, this only change the initial conditions in the wrfinput files, and added aerosol advected really fast with its number concentration dropping back to climatological level just after the spin-up time. Also we've modified the aerosol only over a small section of the inner domain, so this does nothing to the wrfbdy.

We are wondering if anyone has any idea of changing the background aerosol constantly throughout the simulation period (72 hours including 12h spin). If it is possible to modify only small part of domain?

Any help would be really appreciate!