Dear all,
I have gone through the WRF-Chem User's Guide and I have some queries on the namelist.input file before running wrf.exe.
1. 'Kemit' is either 1 or 8 on the sample name list in the tutorials provided on the WRF-Chem official website. I am using the EDGARv5_MOZART_dataset (from EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism). So, what should I use? kemit=1 or kemit=8?
2. It is mentioned in the tutorial presentation named 'Best Practices for Applying WRF-Chem' given on the official webpage that if I am using FINN fire emission dataset then I also have to set 'scale_fire_emiss = .true.'. I checked the Registry/registry.chem and saw that it is mentioned 'max domain' beside this option. That means it should be set for both the domains. So, my question is what should I set? Should I set true for the both domain i.e., 'scale_fire_emiss = .true., .true.'? Or should I set true for parent domain and false for nested domain i.e., 'scale_fire_emiss = .true., .false.'?
3. In the page 34 of 'WRF-Chem Version User’s Guide', the following lines are written:
"These files are,,, and where the years used to produce the climatology are specified in the file names. Additional output variables are included in the model when using the upper boundary conditions. These tropopause diagnostics (TROPO_P, TROPO_Z, TROPO_LEV) are listed in the registry and a user should verify that they will included in the output file before running the model."
I have '' and 'ubvals_*' files. But, I don't understand the last two lines. Do I need another output files 'tropopause diagnostics'? Or are these already included in the 'ubvals_*' files?
4. I checked the registry.chem and found this:
rconfig character trop_lev_inname namelist,chem 1 "" h "name of trop lev infile" "" ""
Is it necessary to include the 'trop_lev_inname' variable in the namelist?
5. If I have two domains, then what should I set for the variables 'have_bcs_chem' and 'have_bcs_upper' for nested domain? Should I set 'true' or Should I set 'false'? That means which should be the correct way:
have_bcs_chem = .true., .true.,
have_bcs_upper = .true., .true.,
have_bcs_chem = .true., .false.,
have_bcs_upper = .true., .false., ?
Can anyone please guide me about this? That will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
With regards,
I have gone through the WRF-Chem User's Guide and I have some queries on the namelist.input file before running wrf.exe.
1. 'Kemit' is either 1 or 8 on the sample name list in the tutorials provided on the WRF-Chem official website. I am using the EDGARv5_MOZART_dataset (from EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism). So, what should I use? kemit=1 or kemit=8?
2. It is mentioned in the tutorial presentation named 'Best Practices for Applying WRF-Chem' given on the official webpage that if I am using FINN fire emission dataset then I also have to set 'scale_fire_emiss = .true.'. I checked the Registry/registry.chem and saw that it is mentioned 'max domain' beside this option. That means it should be set for both the domains. So, my question is what should I set? Should I set true for the both domain i.e., 'scale_fire_emiss = .true., .true.'? Or should I set true for parent domain and false for nested domain i.e., 'scale_fire_emiss = .true., .false.'?
3. In the page 34 of 'WRF-Chem Version User’s Guide', the following lines are written:
"These files are,,, and where the years used to produce the climatology are specified in the file names. Additional output variables are included in the model when using the upper boundary conditions. These tropopause diagnostics (TROPO_P, TROPO_Z, TROPO_LEV) are listed in the registry and a user should verify that they will included in the output file before running the model."
I have '' and 'ubvals_*' files. But, I don't understand the last two lines. Do I need another output files 'tropopause diagnostics'? Or are these already included in the 'ubvals_*' files?
4. I checked the registry.chem and found this:
rconfig character trop_lev_inname namelist,chem 1 "" h "name of trop lev infile" "" ""
Is it necessary to include the 'trop_lev_inname' variable in the namelist?
5. If I have two domains, then what should I set for the variables 'have_bcs_chem' and 'have_bcs_upper' for nested domain? Should I set 'true' or Should I set 'false'? That means which should be the correct way:
have_bcs_chem = .true., .true.,
have_bcs_upper = .true., .true.,
have_bcs_chem = .true., .false.,
have_bcs_upper = .true., .false., ?
Can anyone please guide me about this? That will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
With regards,