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Segmentation fault occurred in obsgrid.exe


New member
Dear all,

I'm Mimi. Thank you so much for always helping me..!!
Now I'm currently working with WRF FIRE and aim to apply observation nudging with AWS data. I'm still getting familiar with converting data into little_r format, so I’m practicing with NCAR observation data in little_r as a first step (suface, upper: ~/d351000). I referenced a link when writing my namelist.oa. If there are any issues you notice, please let me know. These are merged OBS: with cat in linux. I downloaded obsgrid.exe and successfully installed it with gcc option. However, when I attempt to run obsgrid.exe to integrate observation data into Metgrid files, I encounter a segmentation fault. Unlike a typical WRF run, there is no rsl.error.00* file generated, so I’ve tried various troubleshooting methods, but eventually, I decided to reach out to the forum for support.

[server00]/home/myname/OBSGRID> obsgrid.exe>log.txt

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x2B09006A7467
#1  0x2B09006A7AAE
#2  0x2B090113B3FF
#3  0x2B0903FED0BA
#4  0x2B090450AC35
#5  0x2B08FFF817A5
#6  0x42512A in __final_analysis_MOD_write_analysis
Segmentation fault

I’ve attached my namelist.oa(obsgrid), namelist.wps, and log.txt generated when combining metgrid and observation little_r. My input data consists of ERA5 hourly data with a 6-hour interval. Could anyone offer insights into what might be causing this issue? I am always grateful for the great help.


  • namelist.oa.txt
    2.9 KB · Views: 1
  • namelist.wps
    861 bytes · Views: 2
  • log.txt
    12.5 KB · Views: 3
I see in your namelist.oa file, you have the line

max_number_of_obs           = 100000

The default for this parameter is 10000. I'm not sure if this could be causing some sort of allocation issue, but just wondered if you get the same issue if you set that back to 10,000 instead of 100,000.

If that doesn't make any difference, can you share a couple of the OBS* files with me so I can try to repeat this? If the files are too large to attach here, see the home page of this forum for instructions on sharing large files.

Can you also attach the full "log.txt" file from the obsgrid.exe run? I see the log.txt you attached, but I think that's a compile log?