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Terminated when running WRF.exe with BEP/BEM, EXIT CODE: 134

Shaoqi Yang

New member
Hello, WRF Team

Thank you for your contribution!

I am running WRF-Urban with BEP/BEM. However, when running wrf.exe it quits after a few minutes.
When I change sf_urban_physics to 2, the model runs fine, but I want to check the energy consumption values, so I have to set sf_urban_physics to 3
I checked rsl.error.0000 and I didn't find any valuable information

Please help me!

Yours sincerely


  • namelist.input
    4.1 KB · Views: 5
  • rsl.error.0000
    13.9 KB · Views: 3
Hi Shaoqi,
In testing with urban option 3 in the past, I've found that I needed to use more processors. You should be able to use many more (probably up to about 180) to run your case, based on your domain sizes. Can you try to drastically increase the number of processors and see if that makes any difference?