Scheduled Downtime
On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. S

    solution of "segmentation fault" for high resolution simulations over India

    Dear WRF Team, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Saikrishna, and I am currently engaged in the simulation of heavy rainfall events over India using the WRF model. My objective is to analyze both local-scale and large-scale features during these events. In my endeavor, I have...
  2. B

    forrtl: error (78): process killed (SIGTERM)

    Hello, When I run WRF, I get 24 hours of output for my 3 day simulation before getting errors. I imagine this is due to a problem with the physics or dynamics parameters I have set in the namelist, but am not spotting the issue. Namelist and rsl* are included below. Thanks!
  3. V

    FATAL called from file: Possibly missing file for = auxinput6

    I am running a simulation in WRFV4.2.1. I have successfully run WPS and real.exe. When I run wrf.exe I get this error "Possibly missing file for = auxinput6". Which is for bio emissions I think. I get this error even when I have not opted for chem. I have attached my namelist.input and...
  4. A

    WRF Optimization Help Needed for High-Resolution MGW Simulation on Derecho

    Hello, I am currently working on a case study focusing on a MGW event spanning March 6th to 7th, 2008, and I am running into a few challenges with the simulation slowness that I am hoping to get some advice on. For this study, I have configured my simulation with 3 nested domains, using a 1:4:4...
  5. B

    open_hist_w : error opening /glade/derecho/scratch/... for writing.

    Hello, I have already successfully executed real. In running wrf I receive the following error: open_hist_w : error opening /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/spillover_200612/wrfout_d03_2006-12-13_00:00:00 for writing. That particular folder is empty. I have exhausted my troubleshooting checklist...
  6. W

    New and Open Sourced WRF Domain Wizard Tool Annoucement!!!!

    Good morning everyone, I am thrilled to announce a secret project that Jiri Richter and I have been working on to enhance the NSF NCAR - The National Center for Atmospheric Research's Weather Research and Forecasting Model #WRF. The WRF Domain Wizard, a cornerstone tool for meteorologists and...
  7. V

    wrf.exe error "No physics suite selected."

    Hello, I am using WRF version 3.9. After completion of WPS and real.exe, I tried to run wrf.exe and got the error -"No physics suite selected. Physics options will be used directly from the namelist". But my real.exe was successful as the files wrfbdy_d01 and...
  8. E

    WRF Running Help For New User

    I am a graduate student and I need to use the WRF model for my thesis entitled "Investigation of Wave Energy Potential on the Black Sea Coast". I will not use it for professional purposes, and I need to perform a simulation in the simplest way possible. I cannot provide more details since I am...
  9. O

    Query about Different Spatial-Temporal Patterns in 3-Hourly and 1-Hourly WRF Outputs with Adaptive Timestep

    I am currently working with the WRF model and have encountered an intriguing observation regarding the spatial-temporal patterns in the model outputs when using adaptive time step settings. In my simulations, I have noticed significant differences in the spatial-temporal patterns between the...
  10. P

    High resolution (gray-zone adjacent) simulations and gravity wave drag options

    Hello all, I am currently running WRF simulations with the goal of resolving rather short wavelength (high-frequency) wave motions in the lee of a mountain range (wavelength of several km and period of 1-10 min); in the past these motions were attributed to KH instability between the...
  11. P

    ERROR when I run wrf.exe

    ERROR reading namelist namelist_quilt I don't know what went wrong. Real.exe succeeded.
  12. L

    WRF p_lev_diags setting error

    Hello: I am trying to use the 'pressure level output' option in WRF4.5.2 To save U, V, T at some pressure levels.But according to my namelist output, the file contains variables such as U10, V10, T2, etc., and does not include variables such as U, V, T, dew point temperature, etc. My input...
  13. N

    [WRF-4.2.2] FIRE:crash: NaN detected LINE:152

    Hello everyone, I am trying to run the Fire module of WRF 4.2.2 using real data (GFS 0.25), and I get the the following error message after running wrf.exe: Timing for processing lateral boundary for domain 1: 0.02313 elapsed seconds Tile Strategy is not specified. Assuming 1D-Y WRF...
  14. B


    Hello everyone, I have converted the local climate zone (LCZ) of wudapt to geogrid using the w2w package and divided it into 41 categories. After successfully running real.exe, the error occurred while running wrf.exe. I checked that the NUM_LAND_CAT in the file generated by metgrid was already...
  15. G

    CFL error while running WRF-ARW

    Hello everyone, I'm running some simulations with WRF version 4.5.1 coupled with sf_urban_physics = 2 and bl_pbl_physics = 8 for three one-way nested domains for a month. Initially, I defined the eta levels with auto_levels_opt = 2, dzbot = 35, dzstretch_s = 1.3, and dzstretch_u = 1.1. This way...
  16. A

    How to add heating rate as a variable in the WRF output file

    Hello all, I want to add atmospheric heating rate as a variable in the WRF output files (i.e., 'wrfout_d0*' files). I have gone through a previous forum conversation (Output the atmospheric heating rate) and after considering the suggestions available in that conversation, I made a iofields file...
  17. S

    wrf.exe don't write any output but running (sf_sfclay_physics)

    I'm conducting one domain experiment and two domain experiments with WRF version 4.4.2. I am using openmpi 4.1.4 version and aarch64, a 64-bit processor based on the ARMv8 architecture. It was confirmed that the experiment set with two domains was completed normally, and the experiment with one...
  18. K

    wrf stops after ndown

    Hello, I have run WRF 4.4.1 (with dm+sm) successfully for a 9-3-1 km nested domain. I am now trying to use hourly output for the inner 1 km domain together with ndown to downscale a small part of my inner domain to 333 m resolution. I have successfully created met_em files as well as a wrfinput...
  19. C

    Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference

    Hello everyone, can you help me with this problem? When I run wrf.exe, I get the following error: Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. Backtrace for this error: #0 0x154094f54d11 in ??? #1 0x154094f53ee5 in ??? #2 0x154094bca08f in ??? at...
  20. M

    Error: 'Warning: too many input landuse types' during WRF Model Execution

    Hello, I'm a newbie to WRF While running the WRF model, I am getting the following error message, so I am asking for help. -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE: 2419 Warning: too many input landuse types I have set the num_land_cat parameter in the...