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  1. Running wrf.exe using parallel computing, which quickly terminates with the message "forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentatio fault occurred."

    I have tried the following methods without success: 1. grep -rn "cfl" rsl.* 2. w_damping = 1 3. ulimit -s unlimited The meteorological data should be fine, as I have successfully run a case previously using this dataset. This time, I increased the resolution and added sst_update = 1, but it...
  2. H

    WRFV4.6 about vortex-following

    Hellow I want to figure out how to truly specify non moving domains in vortex following? I am currently setting it up as follows: time_to_move = 99999999,9999999,0,0, But when I want to make some interesting attempts, it doesn't work properly:
  3. J

    crashed when solving the MYNNPBL at the first time step of wrf.exe

    Hello, I am going to run the wrf.exe. And I would like to use the shceme combination of Thompson+MYNN-EDMF+Noah. Unfortunately, the wrf.exe crashed at the first time step when calculating the MYNNPBL, throngth out the segment error. I don't know the real problem is. So could anyone give some...
  4. Z

    Multi-core to run wrf.exe

    Hi, I am using WRF-LES to conduct simulation experiments at a 30-meter resolution. The compilation was successful since I can run both ideal.exe and wrf.exe with the default namelist.input. However, when I start using double nesting, wrf.exe throws an error, and I have uploaded the error log...
  5. Ioga Lazuardi

    wrf.exe killed while calculate MEGAN emissions

    hi all, ive been trying to run wrf chem using anthro and bio emiss data, i got program killed while system calculate megan emissions, ********************************************************************* * PROGRAM:WRF-Chem V4.4 MODEL No git found or not a git repository, git...
  6. S


    Hi dears I am trying run anthro_emis< sami.inp to produce wrfchemi files and I brought my inp file to run the "anthro_emis.exe". but it only produce wrfchemi_00::00:00 file until the end of date which is in sami.inp.(stop_output_time = '2022-03-02_00:00:00) and it is stopped. what shall I do...
  7. J

    wrf.exe crashed during the calculation of YSU PBL at the beginning of the running.

    Hello, I was tried to running wrf.exe, the program crashed at the begninning with the error "d01 2023-07-27_12:00:00 in YSU PBL forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred" I had already increase the number of cores (up to 512!) and decrease the timestep length, as well set the...
  8. J

    wrf.exe stops with : "Scale the dt in the model accordingly" message.

    GFS data : 0.25 deg, dx : 6000 m. Timestep : 24s I followed the instructions as in the links to adjust the dx accordingly: [Wrf-users] grid ratio & map factor and Questions about time step Previously, with the same namelists but with GFS data having 12 km instead of 0.25deg (~27 km), the...
  9. P

    Help with Obs Nudging problem

    Hello! l try to use obs-nudging with WRF run. l use both upper air and surface data in little-r format from website ( ( Meteorological data used in WPS are ERA5 data at 3h time intervals.It successfully generated...
  10. ashish__shaji

    Model crashing at radiation time step

    My WRF-4.6 Model is crashing at the radiation time step with both tropical and CONUS suites and for all other configurations. I tried changing radt to other values but saw similar crashing with a similar error. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. J

    WRF-SCM heat flux

    I want to add heat flux as initial forcing in WRF-SCM. But I have no idea how to do it. Should I specify heat flux in files like GABLS_II_forcing.txt, make_scm_forcing.ncl, forcing_file.cdl, input_soundig? If anyone knows about this, please let me know! thank you!!
  12. S

    WPS WRF simulation time period difference

    Hi, I would like to know if it is compulsory to keep the simulation time period between WPS and WRF same. Can I run WPS for certain time period range (say 01-Jan-2020_00 to 03-Jan-2020_00) and do different runs of WRF with different starting time (eg: Run-1: 01-Jan-2020_06 to 03-Jan-2020_00...
  13. J

    Sudden Increase in Computation Time Over Multiple WRF Simulations

    Hi there, I'm running some cases on our cluster with WRF V4.5.2. I noticed that performance reduced suddenly after a several hours of simulation time. I've attached a figure containing scatter plots of the time to compute each step for each run. You'll notice that the computation time is very...
  14. T

    Running WRF Error

    Hi all: I am running WRF4.2.There are some errors when i use the mpirun to run wrf.exe.The detailed error are attached at below.It mean that i not have enough memory to run the wrf.exe?And the rsl.error files only have the rsl.error.0000. Thank for your ideas to sovle it
  15. A

    Query regarding the Run-Time IO while running wrf.exe

    Dear all, I am running wrf.exe (version 4.5.2) in an HPC. As I want to include some important parameters in the WRF output file, I created a text file ('my_iofields_list.txt'), one for each domain, defined in the namelist.input file, located in the 'time_control' namelist record by following the...
  16. A

    forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred in wrf.exe

    Hi all, While running wrf.exe I'm encountering an error forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred after simulating 2 days. Error is not coming immediately, it is coming after 2 days of simulation only when hitting the date 2017-11-29_21:52:30 always. I'm using 64 cores to run...
  17. P

    Combining boundary conditions in REAL case

    Hello beautiful community, so, I've been wanting to run some idealized simulations with nesting. One way to do that would be to modify an idealized case, but that seems like a lot of work. Another case would be to modify: the input files (ERA5 in this case) the static fields (geo_em files)...
  18. J

    WRF Solar Roof Effiency

    I wonder what is the conversion efficiency of the solar photovoltaic panel in WRF-BEP&BEM? Is it possible to get data on energy savings from photovoltaic panels? @Andrea Zonato @Wei Chen
  19. L

    Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

    Hello, I encountered a Segmentation fault error while running wrf.exe. When I tried to rerun using restart, the same error occurred. The error consistently appears in the file rsl.error.0049. I have attached my namelist file and all rsl files in the attachment. The command I used to run WRF is...
  20. H

    ./wrf.exe Status = -4 ---- ERROR: Could not find matching time in input file

    Dear friends, I missed an error when I run the ./wrf.exe in WRF-noahmp. here touched my namelist.input and some input data. when I change the time_step from 180 to 120 to 90, it always said the same error in the different time, such as 2020-07-03, 2020-07-14, 2020-09-18. **WARNING** Time in...