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I intend to regionalizate forecast climate change in order to capture small scale effects as topograhy and land use (dynamical downscaling). For this, i will use the WRF model to reducing spacial resolution (dinamycal downscaling).
So, my issue is couple a Global Climate Model in the WRF model (WPS).
According to WRF user guide (, user can coupling any synotic data in WRF since be construct a respective Vtable to decodification the meteorological and land-surface fields.
However, when i assessed avaliable Vtables (downloaded when the WRF instalation), i realize that different fields are described, depending Vtable.
In front of this, i concluded that maybe exist obligate meteorological parameters and not obligate meteorological parameters to initialize WRF.
I have seached by models that integrating last IPCC experiment (CMIP6), but i realize that Global Climate Models became avaliable different meteorological parameters.
Therefore i need know what meteorological and land-surface fields are essencial to inicializate WRF (“minimal meteorological and land-surface fields”) to seach in Global Climate Models output.
According to WRF user guide (, in pgs. 6-36 /6-37, the meteorological and land-surface fields requeried in intermediates files to incialize WRF are:
Parameters necessary to initialize WRF model:
Field name in intermediate file Units Description Notes
TT K 3-d air temperature -
RH % 3-d relative humidity Not needed if SPECHUMD is available
SPECHUMD kg kg-1 3-d specific humidity Not needed if RH is available
UU m s-1 3-d wind u-component -
VV m s-1 3-d wind v-component -
GHT m 3-d geopotential height -
PRESSURE Pa 3-d pressure Only needed for nonisobaric datasets
PSFC Pa Surface pressure -
PMSL Pa Mean sea-level pressure -
SKINTEMP K Skin temperature -
SOILHGT m Soil height -
TT K 2-meter air temperature -
RH % 2-meter relative humidity Not needed if SPECHUMD is available
SPECHUMD kg kg-1 2-meter specific humidity Not needed if RH is available
UU m s-1 10-meter wind u-component -
VV m s-1 10-meter wind v-component -
LANDSEA Fração Land-sea mask (0=water, 1=land) -
SMtttbbb m3 m-3 Soil moisture 'ttt' is the layer top depth in cm, and 'bbb' is the layer bottom depth in cm
STtttbbb K Soil temperature
SOILMmmm kg m-3 Soil moisture 'mmm' is the level depth in cm, not needed if SMtttbbb available
SOILTmmm K Soil temperature
After this background, my douts are:
1. Do any synotic data to inicializate WRF must have all this fields?
2. Is it possible inicializate WRF with less fields of this? Why different Vtables (downloaded when the WRF instalation) describe diferents fields for each Global Models?
3. Is to coupling a Global Model output to WRF (dynamical downscaling) necessary only ajust a respective Vtable to decodificate the fields?
Best Regards,
I intend to regionalizate forecast climate change in order to capture small scale effects as topograhy and land use (dynamical downscaling). For this, i will use the WRF model to reducing spacial resolution (dinamycal downscaling).
So, my issue is couple a Global Climate Model in the WRF model (WPS).
According to WRF user guide (, user can coupling any synotic data in WRF since be construct a respective Vtable to decodification the meteorological and land-surface fields.
However, when i assessed avaliable Vtables (downloaded when the WRF instalation), i realize that different fields are described, depending Vtable.
In front of this, i concluded that maybe exist obligate meteorological parameters and not obligate meteorological parameters to initialize WRF.
I have seached by models that integrating last IPCC experiment (CMIP6), but i realize that Global Climate Models became avaliable different meteorological parameters.
Therefore i need know what meteorological and land-surface fields are essencial to inicializate WRF (“minimal meteorological and land-surface fields”) to seach in Global Climate Models output.
According to WRF user guide (, in pgs. 6-36 /6-37, the meteorological and land-surface fields requeried in intermediates files to incialize WRF are:
Parameters necessary to initialize WRF model:
Field name in intermediate file Units Description Notes
TT K 3-d air temperature -
RH % 3-d relative humidity Not needed if SPECHUMD is available
SPECHUMD kg kg-1 3-d specific humidity Not needed if RH is available
UU m s-1 3-d wind u-component -
VV m s-1 3-d wind v-component -
GHT m 3-d geopotential height -
PRESSURE Pa 3-d pressure Only needed for nonisobaric datasets
PSFC Pa Surface pressure -
PMSL Pa Mean sea-level pressure -
SKINTEMP K Skin temperature -
SOILHGT m Soil height -
TT K 2-meter air temperature -
RH % 2-meter relative humidity Not needed if SPECHUMD is available
SPECHUMD kg kg-1 2-meter specific humidity Not needed if RH is available
UU m s-1 10-meter wind u-component -
VV m s-1 10-meter wind v-component -
LANDSEA Fração Land-sea mask (0=water, 1=land) -
SMtttbbb m3 m-3 Soil moisture 'ttt' is the layer top depth in cm, and 'bbb' is the layer bottom depth in cm
STtttbbb K Soil temperature
SOILMmmm kg m-3 Soil moisture 'mmm' is the level depth in cm, not needed if SMtttbbb available
SOILTmmm K Soil temperature
After this background, my douts are:
1. Do any synotic data to inicializate WRF must have all this fields?
2. Is it possible inicializate WRF with less fields of this? Why different Vtables (downloaded when the WRF instalation) describe diferents fields for each Global Models?
3. Is to coupling a Global Model output to WRF (dynamical downscaling) necessary only ajust a respective Vtable to decodificate the fields?
Best Regards,