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WPS Compilation error due to unavailability of arch option within configure.defaults


New member

My hpc server details :

uname -m : " aarch64 "
lsb_release -a : " Distributor ID: Ubuntu, Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, Release: 22.04, Codename: jammy"

I am trying to install WRF and WPS 4.3

I was able to compile WRF with dmpar-gfortran,

But WPS didn't give me any options after "./configure".

So I followed this link " No supported platforms available for configuring WPS ". I manually created an entry for " LINUX aarch64 " , in the "configure.defaults" file (tried compiling with the copied details from " Linux x86_64" and "Linux i486 " ) . I am attaching the editted "configure.defaults", as a text file (first entry is the manual edit) with this query.

The WPS compilation wasn't successful; ungrib.exe wasn't created. (Please look at the attached image)

I am also attaching "wps_compile_log.txt" and "configure.wps".

Please help me sort the issue.


  • configure.wps
    3.3 KB · Views: 3
  • wps_compiled_folder.png
    115.2 KB · Views: 3
  • wps_compile_log.txt
    189.5 KB · Views: 1
  • configure.defaults.txt
    33.4 KB · Views: 1
Apologies for the delay in response. If you are still experiencing this issue, I have a couple of tests for you to try.

1) Will you see if you are able to compile WPS serially? I don't really expect that this is causing the issue, but I'm curious if it makes any difference. You don't need to recompile WRF - just clean WPS, reconfigure for a serial case, and then compile. After that, attach the new configure.wps and WPS compile log.

2) Can you try to compile the latest version of WPS (V4.5) to see if that makes any difference? Again, you don't need to recompile WRF. It's okay if they aren't the same version.
