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iofields_filename WRF v4.4 not working



I want to remove some variables from my wrfout files but it is not removing any of the variables I put in the iofields_filename

Here is my namelist.input and rsl.error file


  • rsl.error.0000
    458.9 KB · Views: 7
  • namelist.input
    7.1 KB · Views: 22
  • myoutfields.txt
    607 bytes · Views: 27
Last edited:
If you set ignore_iofields_warning = .false., you would get a print out that the model is unable to read the myoutfields.txt file. In a previous post you mentioned it was necessary for you to use single quotes around the namelist settings for iofields_filename, so that it would, instead, read as

iofields_filename                    = 'myoutfields.txt', 'myoutfields.txt', 'myoutfields.txt', 'myoutfields.txt',

Try that to see if it helps.