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  1. G

    error opening wrfinput_d01 for reading ierr= -1021

    Hello I am getting this error error opening wrfinput_d01 for reading ierr= -1021, while running wrf.exe. Also, I can see that wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 are not created. I am attaching my namelist.wps and namelist.input files.
  2. K

    Trying to read a variable (for tracer_opt) I added into the met_em*.nc files

    Hello, I am interested in using the tracer_opt=2 option, and currently I am trying to give the tracer initial and boundary conditions by injecting the values into the met_em*.nc files generated by metgrid.exe. My problem as of now is that the tracer variables' values in wrfinput_d01 and...
  3. J

    Using daily surface data with 6-hour UPA -- how to configure?

    Hello, I am trying to drive WRF with EC-Earth output which contains upper air variables(ta,ua,va,spechum) along with a few surface ones (psfc, ps) at 6-hour frequency. Both the soil and surface data is only available at daily resolution (T2,U10,V10,PSML,ST,SM). Per my understanding of WRF, it...
  4. L

    after ./real.exe LU_INDEX was changed

    Dear colleague, I hope this message finds you well. I am encountering an issue with the WRF model where after running the real.exe, the LU_INDEX representing lakes in the met_em file is 21, but it changes to LU_INDEX=17 in the wrfinput file. I have seen in previous discussions that this might...
  5. H

    ./real.exe error:FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE: 403 error opening met_em.d02*.nc for input; bad date in namelist or file not in directory

    I have been test a wrf example like this:ARW OnLine Tutorial. in Nested Domain (2-way, 2 Input Files): Metgrid I setted the namelist.wps as &share wrf_core = 'ARW', max_dom = 2, start_date = '2018-12-01_00:00:00','2018-12-01_00:00:00', end_date =...
  6. G

    Problem with surface pressure and its extrapolation from mslp

    While I was checking the correctness of the initialization I noticed a weird aspect about the surface pressure field in the wrfinput file generated by real.exe. Surface pressure seems to depend only on the value of the msl pressure I provide in the metgrid file, despite the fact that I also...
  7. R

    Issues to running real.exe and wrf.exe MacOS

    Hi everyone, After a lot of try and errors I could finally compile WRF and WPS without any major issue for MacOS with M3 pro chip. I'm trying to run the Matthew hurricane example, but when I run real.exe it's fails, even using the examples that the tutorial gives you. Also I recompiled the...
  8. A

    Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

    Dear WRF Users, 1. When I run ./real.exe, an error occurs. From the error log, it seems that there is no problem in the first two time steps of simulation, but it crashes in the third time step. 2. i Use Copernicus ERA5 Data with WRF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Domain 1: Current date being...
  9. Z

    PLEASE HELP!! ERA5 data error in running real.exe

    Hi members, I want to use ERA Interim ECMWF data. However, when I tried downloading it myself. I downloaded surface, pressure levels and invariant from this website: "ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present" from 2017-10-14 to 2017-10-15 with a time interval of 3 hours. I...
  10. H

    ERROR on the WRF 4.3. ERROR: The reference pressure is not monotonically decreasing. This tends to be caused by very high topography

    Hi, I am using the WRF4.3 to runing the EU area. But when I running teh ./real.exe, i am faceing this probelem. and also it can't be solved also after I setting the 'etac = 0.15'. Can I have any suggestions? Attached are namelist.imput and rsl_error.I really appreciate it.
  11. M

    wrfbdy issue

    I try to run my wrf model over three months (MAM) using cfs data but i am have a problem ,which is in the wrfbdy file the dates stops in "2024-05-18_06:00:00"
  12. R

    Error in running ./real.exe

    I want to run a wrf urban (bep+bem) model on Gaziabad (WHICH IS AN INDIAN CITY). I have run geogrid.exe successflly and now I want to run real.exe but i am getting error and unable to run it. I have shared both namelist.wps and namelist.input for your referrence along with the error message...
  13. R

    New twist on the "program wrf: error opening wrfinput_d01 for reading ierr= -1021" real.exe error

    Hi all, There have a few posts on this issue, but I'm in the unusual position that it seems to have been triggered by changing the land-cover specification. I've been using the same namelist.wps and namelist.input, but between yesterday and today I modified the GEOGRID.TBL file to match...
  14. S

    GFS WPS settings getting error in real.exe

    Hi I'm trying to run a short case with GFS as initial and boundary conditions I downloaded the files from RDA/NCAR dataset ID: d084001, I run WPS setting Vtable.GFS and METGRID.TBL.ARW. When I run it is shows no problems, but the met_em files are missing PSFC and ST0000010 (and the other ST#...
  15. J

    Cannot support split netcdf option for real.exe

    Hello, I had created the met_em.nc_nnnn files successfully, with the option io_form_geogrid=102 and io_form_metgrid=102 Then, I tried to running the real.exe with the namelist.wps option "io_form_input =102". However, the program stop with the error: "FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE: 409...
  16. C

    real.exe for long-term simulations

    I am running a continental-scale long-term WRF simulation on Derecho, and I have encountered a potential bottleneck with real.exe. Running real.exe with my settings will likely exceed the 12-hour wall time limit. I've already reduced the update frequency of BCs from hourly to every 3 hours and...
  17. C

    real.exe changes the values of LANDMASK.

    I used the modis_lake dataset in the Landusetype. I have obtained the accurate LANDMASK in the file and the met_em.d01.*.nc files. However, the execution of real.exe has resulted in the modification of the LANDMASK variable in wrfinput_d01. The value of LANDMASK is more like...
  18. A

    FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE: 3062 grid%tsk unreasonable using GFS data

    Hi all, While running real.exe I'm facing an error. in rsl.error.0000 --> d01 2017-11-29_00:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes Assume Noah LSM input -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE: 3062 grid%tsk unreasonable...
  19. D

    Real crashes using mp_physics = 28 and ice-friendly aerosols climatology

    Hello everyone, I am trying to run WRF solar (WRF version 4.5) taking into account both direct effects of aerosols thanks to CAMS AOD forecasts and indirect ones using water- and ice-friendly aerosols climatology. I have difficulty activating Thompson aerosol-aware parametrization. Everything...
  20. S

    .p000 files when running metgrid.exe and real.exe not working after

    I am trying to run a WRF with a very large domain at 4 km. Running metgrid.exe on Derecho produced *.p000 files that I hadn't seen before. It appears that metgrid.exe runs correctly and auto-deletes the .p000 files. I then go to run real.exe, and I get the attached error before real.exe...