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  1. V

    tail rsl.error.0000 is missing & -Dstubmpi error - please help!!!

    I was able to run real successfully but when I search for rsl.error.0000, the file is not found. also I'm getting this error -Dstubmpi option.
  2. ashish__shaji

    Error while running real.exe

    Please find the attached file and help me solve the issue. The issue is that " d01 2021-06-02_18:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE: 3300 mismatch_landmask_ivgtyp...
  3. C

    real.exe error

    Hello everyone, When running real.exe the following error occurs. This is the tail rsl.error.0000. I have also included my namelist.input and namelist.wps. Im using ERA5 data and ungrib and metgrid have completed succesfully. Could anyone help me with this error? Many thanks in advance and...
  4. Z

    Error when running real.exe

    Excuse me, Miss and Mrs. I'd like to ask about the error I'm experiencing. I'm running the WRF model in the rea.exe section but it always fails to work with the attached rsl.error result. I've tried the domain twice but it always ends up being killed by running it. Is there anyone who can help...
  5. D

    when executing for WRF-V4.5

    File name that is causing troubles = You can try 1) ensure that the input file was created with WRF v4 pre-processors, or 2) use force_use_old_data=T in the time_control record of the namelist.input file -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE...
  6. S

    Real.exe just stops running

    Good day, I am running a long WRF simulation for 1980-2014 with a nested domain. I am now at the real.exe step and after many attempts to run real.exe, I cannot figure out why the real.exe just stops without any errors. In each instance, real.exe stops on 1984-01-11 having only considered the...
  7. P

    real.exe's problem .

    Hello, Sir I have the problem to run real.exe. How to be solved this problem? Thank you ******************************************************************* taskid: 0 hostname: x1000c0s0b0n1 module_io_quilt_old.F 2931, F Quilting with 1 groups of 0 I/O tasks. Ntasks in X 6 , ntasks in...
  8. fpuhales

    Re-run real.exe after changing namelist file

    Hi I'm doing some tests with noah-mp options on the namelist file: &noah_mp . .. ... / Should I run real.exe for each modification on the namelits's noah_mp parameters? For example, to modify &noah_mp ... dveg = 4 ... \ for &noah_mp ... dveg = 9 ... \ I'm not sure, but running...
  9. A

    How to modify namelist.input?

    Hello everyone, I am working on the uncoupled wrf-hydro model with GFS data. For running the real.exe, I need to modify namelist.input. Can anyone suggest to me how can I modify the &physics part in namelist.input file? Thank you
  10. C

    SSTs appear over land after running real

    Howdy there, I'm running a future model with the CESM1 CMIP5 data from UCAR (here). The WPS works (after I remembered to ignore leap years), but when I run ./real.exe, I notice that wrfinput and wrflowinput files have sea surface temperature values over land. These SST values are not present...
  11. E

    real.exe fails without error

    Hi there, I am trying to run real.exe for a 2-way nested domain. It keeps failing at the same simulation date at around 5 hours into running, with no obvious error message. All the message says is: Do you know why this is? For reference, I am running the simulation using 6 processors, so I am...
  12. D

    e_vert & num_metgrid_levels

    In practice does e_vert need to be larger than num_metgrid_levels or can they be the same?
  13. Y

    ***SOLVED***error(69): process interrupted (SIGINT) when running real.exe

    Hello everyone! I wanted to run WRF with 4km resolution, but I encountered an error after running real.exe a few of seconds later. I have tried changing the initial and boundary fields like Process interuptted when running wrf.exe, but it didn't work. I attached the namelist .wps and the...
  14. P

    Problem while running real.exe (WRFChem)

    Hello Community, I have problem while running real.exe, It's taking so much time and after 6 days of continuous running still not get wrfinput_d01, wrfinput_d02, and wrfinput_d03. kindly check attached namelist.input, rsl.out files and rslerror files. and help me. Thank you.
  15. T

    Segmentation fault after N time steps in real.exe with ERA5 boundary conditions

    Hi all, I'm attempting to run a three-month simulation with WRF using ERA5 boundary conditions. I have successfully generated the metgrid files and real.exe runs fine for small time subsets. When I try to run real.exe for the full simulation time it segfaults, always during loop number 626. The...
  16. F

    no explicit error real.exe

    I am running real.exe but the model stops without a clear error in both rsl files (one attached). I wonder if not related to SST included to build the met_em files. Any hint?
  17. K

    real.exe does not produce input files for d02 and d03

    Hello, I am a beginner in WRF who is setting up a nested run using WRF 4.4.1 compiled with option 35 (with dm+sm). I run real.exe and wrf.exe for one domain without any problem, but when I include two additional nested domains, I only get one input file for d01 and not for d02 and d03. Running...
  18. S

    iofields_filename WRF v4.4 not working

    Hi I want to remove some variables from my wrfout files but it is not removing any of the variables I put in the iofields_filename Here is my namelist.input and rsl.error file
  19. S

    real.exe ERROR: not enough info for a p sfc computation

    Hi all, I was trying to run real.exe, but it exited with code 1. I downloaded real-time data (fnl_xxxx_xx_xx.grib2) from NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analysis online data sets. I successfully ran geogrid.exe, ungrid.exe, and metgrid.exe. but failed in initializing to generate...
  20. Z

    p_top issuses for the wrf.exe

    Hello, I have run the real.exe successfully and get the wrfinputd01 and wrfbdyd01.However when I tried run the wrf.exe,the program fails immediately.and I got the error message like: Max map factor in domain 1 = 0.00. Scale the dt in the model accordingly. D01: Time step...