Hi all,
I have a doubt in the met_em files generated. I'm trying to reproduce the results of the simulation from the article -"Recovery processes in a large offshore wind farm". I'm using WRF 4.4.1 and WPS 4.4 for the current simulation. I have successfully compiled the WRF and WPS with the required changes as per the paper. But after running the metgrid.exe I got fewer nc files (no. of .nc files = no. of domain * no_of_input_data_time_step). To be exact, I am using 3 domains to simulate flow feature for 3 days (6 hr interval - 13 files: fnl data from NCEP). So, metgrid.exe should generate 39 nc files (3*13). Instead, I got only one file at the beginning of the time step for domain 3 whereas I got 13 nc files each for d01 and d02. I found from this forum ((RESOLVED) Are met_em files for all time steps for inner domains necessary?) that this may not be an issue and so I went ahead with running ./real.exe.
Also, earlier when i did the same work with WRF 4.3.3 the metgrid.exe generated 39 nc files!!!
Why is it happening with different versions? Is it necessary to create the nc files - one file per time, for each domain? What if it doesn't create the required no of nc files? Will it create any issue if I run real.exe and then in wrf.exe?
Note: Attached namelist.wps and log files of geogrid, ungrib and metgrid.
I have a doubt in the met_em files generated. I'm trying to reproduce the results of the simulation from the article -"Recovery processes in a large offshore wind farm". I'm using WRF 4.4.1 and WPS 4.4 for the current simulation. I have successfully compiled the WRF and WPS with the required changes as per the paper. But after running the metgrid.exe I got fewer nc files (no. of .nc files = no. of domain * no_of_input_data_time_step). To be exact, I am using 3 domains to simulate flow feature for 3 days (6 hr interval - 13 files: fnl data from NCEP). So, metgrid.exe should generate 39 nc files (3*13). Instead, I got only one file at the beginning of the time step for domain 3 whereas I got 13 nc files each for d01 and d02. I found from this forum ((RESOLVED) Are met_em files for all time steps for inner domains necessary?) that this may not be an issue and so I went ahead with running ./real.exe.
Also, earlier when i did the same work with WRF 4.3.3 the metgrid.exe generated 39 nc files!!!
Why is it happening with different versions? Is it necessary to create the nc files - one file per time, for each domain? What if it doesn't create the required no of nc files? Will it create any issue if I run real.exe and then in wrf.exe?
Note: Attached namelist.wps and log files of geogrid, ungrib and metgrid.