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WRF CHEM 4.4.2 -- Simulation stops when using Single Layer Urban Canopy Model (forrtl: severe: SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred)


New member
Dear community,

I have been trying to run WRF CHEM simulation using the single layer UCM (sf_urban_physics = 1), like the title says. However, no matter what I try the simulation stops after some period of time. I have conducted successful simulations using no urban (sf_urban_physics = 0) or other urban models (sf_urban_physics = 2,3). The only thing that has been changes in UCM runs, is the height of the first vertical level (i.e. from 23m to 53m; dzbot =23/53 ) .

Now, reading upon some of the threads I've found in the forum, I have conducted several experiments to try and pin point what is causing the simulation to crash. However I haven't really been successful. I am posting here my default namelist, and then also I am posting all the experiments with the changes in the namelist and the outcomes of the simulation. If anyone has any idea what to try next, please let me know.

Exp.Change from default namelistResults
1.emiss_opt = 0,0,0Dies at 1:01hr of simulation SIGSEGV (rsl files 36,37,46,47)
2.aer_ra_feedback = 0,0,0Dies at 2:14hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 36,37,46,47)
3.aerchem_onoff = 0,0,0,1Dies at 2:09hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
4.dust_opt = 0,Dies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
5.w_damping = 0,Dies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
6,radt = 5,5,5,0,Dies at 1:22 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 30,39,40)
7.non_hydrostatic = .true.,.true.,.false.,Dies at 17:02 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 31,40)
8.time_step= 60,
radt= 1,1,1
non_hydrostatic = .t.,.t.,.f.,
Still running at 16:26 hr of sim
9.max_dom= 2,
radt = 5,5
Dies at 17:10 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 35,43,44,53)
10.!auxinput5_inname = wrfchemi_<hr>z_d<domain>',
!auxinput5_interval_m = 60,
!frames_per_auxinput5 = 12,
!auxinput6_inname = 'wrfbiochemi_d<domain>',
!io_form_auxinput6 = 2,

max_dom = 2
Dies at 20:28 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 35, ,44,53)
11Delete entire &chem part, along with auxinputsDies at 1:23hr of simulation SIGSEGV (rsl files 37,38,46,47)
12phot_opt = 0,0,0Didn’t even start??
13bio_emiss_opt = 0, 0,0,Dies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
14dust_opt = 0,Dies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
15dmsemis_opt = 0Dies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
16seas_opt = 0Dies at 2:13 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
17gaschem_onoff = 0, 0,0,0,Dies at 12:48 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
18wetscav_onoff = 0,0,0,Dies at 2:12 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
19cldchem_onoff = 0,0,0,Dies at 2:14 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
20chem_conv_tr = 0,0,0Dies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
21have_bcs_chem = .f., .f., .f.Dies at 1:21 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 30,39,40)
22conv_tr_wetscav = 0,0,0Dies at 1:21 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 30,39,40)
23conv_tr_aqchem = 0,0,0Dies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)
24chemdt = 0,0,0
photdt = 0,0,0
bioemdt = 0,0,0,
Dies at 2:13 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 47)
25Default NamelistDies at 2:11 hr of sim SIGSEGV(rsl files 37,38,46,47)


  • namelist.input
    8.8 KB · Views: 5

No I have not, unfortunately no one has responded.. I asked the same question in the WRF-CHEM groups, but also no responses.. Sadly looks like it is some bug.

No I have not, unfortunately no one has responded.. I asked the same question in the WRF-CHEM groups, but also no responses.. Sadly looks like it is some bug.
I am not sure if this will work; I had problem when I turned sf_urban_physics = 1. I fixed this problem by ensuring that the height of the first layer of the model must be higher than the buidling height ZR (URBPARM.TBL), this was the limitation of SLUCM, I am not sure if its been fixed, but you can try.
I am not sure if this will work; I had problem when I turned sf_urban_physics = 1. I fixed this problem by ensuring that the height of the first layer of the model must be higher than the buidling height ZR (URBPARM.TBL), this was the limitation of SLUCM, I am not sure if its been fixed, but you can try.
Hi, I know about this limitation, but that is not the problem. I faced this issue earlier and had consequently increased the lowest level of the domain far enough so that I no longer see this error message..

I can confirm that my one-year simulation with sf_urban_physics=1 has run without problems in wrf-4.5.2
Interestingly yes... I had also managed to run it without any problems with an older version, WRF-4.2.2 ..