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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. J

    Help Needed: How to correctly modify SHDFRAC for WRF simulation?

    Hello Sir/Ma'am, We wanted to conduct a study to evaluate the impact of urban natural vegetation on air temperature. In order to do that, We have used the default geo_static_data (modis) for our calculation. So we have done two case with different SHDFRAC values (based on my understanding...
  2. J

    WRF runs on convection permitting resolution crashes randomly in summer

    Hi everyone, I have set up the WRF model 4.5.1 for a long-term historical and projection run, spanning 20 years, with forcing data derived from NoeESM2 GCM. The model is configured to run with SLUCM coupled to the Boulac PBL schemes. The outer domain covers Europe at a 12 km grid resolution...
  3. S

    how WRF recognise Three urban categories (LIR,HIR,COI) in domain?

    Hello everybody If urban landuse does exist in the model domain(1 in USGS and 13 in MODIS),how wrf recognize 1-Low density residential, 2-High density residential, and 3- Commercial in the area? is it defined in land use?I would be grateful if anybody can help.
  4. W

    Question about 'landuse' in MPAS model.

    Dear WRF&MPAS experts, I am working with the MPAS model to run sensitivity experiments on urban effects. However, i am not sure how to modify the landuse in this model. In the WRF model, it's easy to change 'LU_INDEX' and 'LANDUSEF', but i can't find the equivalent variables in the MPAS model...
  5. M


    Hello Experts, I recently ran a simulation on WRF4.4 using SLUCM, initialized by ERA5 data, coupled with Noah LSM and the cglc_modis_lcz. Though my real.exe was successful, but my simulation keeps crashing without a specific reason, I also tried to run it on WRF version WRFV4.5 but the problem...
  6. S

    BETR assignments by urban category (like AH, ALH, FRC_URB)

    I am a graduate student in Japan, sorry for my poor English. As the title suggests, I'd like to assign BETR by urban category. Although I have rewritten module_sf_urban.F and URBPARM_LCZ.TBL as in the attached file and run the calculation, only BETR is not loaded. I've already confirmed that...
  7. R


    Hi everyone, This error is similar to those reported in several other cases over the past year ('WARNING, THE URBAN FRACTION WILL BE READ FROM URBPARM.TBL' occurred., Problems running Urban UCM and WUDAPT LCZ, cglc-modis-lcz_100m dataset " WARNING, THE URBAN FRACTION WILL BE READ FROM...
  8. S

    BETR assignments by urban category (like AH, ALH, FRC_URB)

    I am a graduate student in Japan, sorry for my poor English. As the title suggests, I'd like to assign BETR by urban category. Although I have rewritten module_sf_urban.F and URBPARM_LCZ.TBL as in the attached file and run the calculation, only BETR is not loaded. (I've already confirmed that...
  9. L

    WRFCHEM/UCM simulation stops with sfc_urban_physics=1

    Dear community, I am running wrf-chem 3.9.1 version with sfc_urban_physics=1. But it stops at the first running time when dealing with domain2. It shows forrtl: error (78) in rsl.error. However, it ran sucessfully with sfc_urban_physics=0. I tried some tests. when 4 nodes ,per nodes with 64...
  10. T

    How does the WRF BEP/BEM considers urban Anthropogenic heat?

    Dear community, To the best of my knowledge, I think the SLUCM considers anthropogenic heat by giving a heat source term to each urban category(e.g., 20W/m2 for subruban category). and the BEP/BEM calculate the heat emission from air conditioner (AC). My questions are: 1. Does BEP/BEM...
  11. M


    Hello experts, I ran two simulations with sf_urban_physics = 0 and sf_urban_physics = 1 (SLUCM), I coupled both with Noah LSM, Please I will like to know how Noah calculates the skin surface temperature for both. I took a look at the module_sf_noahlsm.F code but i do not have clarity on it, I...
  12. S

    WRF CHEM 4.4.2 -- Simulation stops when using Single Layer Urban Canopy Model (forrtl: severe: SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred)

    Dear community, I have been trying to run WRF CHEM simulation using the single layer UCM (sf_urban_physics = 1), like the title says. However, no matter what I try the simulation stops after some period of time. I have conducted successful simulations using no urban (sf_urban_physics = 0) or...
  13. G

    Missing FRC_URB2D values over Cyprus using cglc-modis-lcz_100m dataset

    Dear WRF Expert, I'm running the model over Cyprus using three one-way nested domains at 12, 3, and 1 km, respectively. I'm considering the sf_urban_physics = 2 and the hybrid 100-m global land cover dataset with Local Climate Zones. To use this dataset, I followed the instructions provided...
  14. G

    CFL error while running WRF-ARW

    Hello everyone, I'm running some simulations with WRF version 4.5.1 coupled with sf_urban_physics = 2 and bl_pbl_physics = 8 for three one-way nested domains for a month. Initially, I defined the eta levels with auto_levels_opt = 2, dzbot = 35, dzstretch_s = 1.3, and dzstretch_u = 1.1. This way...
  15. H

    Failed run WRF-Chem with LCZ and urban canopy scheme.

    Hi all, I tried to run WRF-Chem with LCZ and urban canopy scheme, but it failed. The attachments are namelist.input, namelist.wps, and rsl.error.* files. Please note that: 1. I tried to run WRF-Chem with default land use and it was successful. 2. I tried to run WRF-Chem with LCZ land use...
  16. D

    Green roof soil moisture

    Dear WRF community, I have a question about soil moisture in the green roof option. I would highly appreciate it if someone could help me. For single layer UCM (SLUCM), how can I change the initial soil moisture of green roofs? While green roof properties for SLUCM are specified in...
  17. N

    Daytime temperatures in Clay in Soil texture

    I am currently studying the heat island of Bangkok, Thailand as part of a Southeast Asian urban climate research. This study uses WRF versions 4.2.2 and 4.3.3. Also, Noah LSM and Single layer UCM are used. I have run simulations on many cases, but the simulations do not reproduce the daytime...
  18. S

    TC_URB vs T_2m

    Hi, I have run WRF with the SLUCM and I am just interested in understanding the variable urban canopy Temperature (TC_URB)? and whether the 2m temperature is calculated the same way as without the urban canopy model?
  19. W

    [SOLVED] Segfault for WRF V4.5 with the new hybrid 100-m MODIS-LCZ dataset using SLUCM urban physics

    Hi, I came across segfault for WRF 4.5 using the new modis-lcz dataset under SLUCM urban physics. The segfault always happen at 1 of the 72 cores in Cheyenne. From the error log it seems that the segfault happens during avgflx at solve_em.F. I cannot pinpoint how it happens without any...
  20. Z

    Can we use urban 3D data in WRF

    Hi, everyone. Recently I have a question. That is, if I have a gridded dataset of urban building height. How can I use it when I run a WRF simulation? As I know, we re allowed to replace the land use and land cover (LULC) data. Is there a similar way to deal with urban 3D data? Now only...