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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. T

    (RESOLVED) WRF Single-layer, UCM crashed

    I ran a case in WRFv4.4.2, which was a 15 km run using Noah-MP land surface model. Simulation for SF_URBAN_PHYSICS = 1, Single-layer UCM in the Southeast United States. Simulation started from 2015-08-02 00Z and plan to end at 2015-08-10 00Z The run crashed at 2015-08-03_14:30:00Z due to NaN...
  2. H

    Error when using LCZ in WRFV4.5

    Hi all, Im trying to use the WUDAPT LCZ to upgrade the urban landuse in WRFV4.5. According to the recent update log, the lu_index from 31-41 is changed to 51-61. So I used w2w to generate the LCZ geo files and then modified the lLU_INDEX in the geo_em.d0*. The metgrid.exe and real.exe is...
  3. S

    Is it possible to set green roofs for specific areas in the WRF-urban?

    Dear WRF team, I am using WRF to simulate the cooling effect of green roofs in the city, but I found that I can only set the same green roof coverage for a certain category of LCZ separately in URBPARM_LCZ.TBL. This does not meet my needs because the green roof coverage may also be different...
  4. M

    module_sf_urban_Physics: WRF_URBAN

    Hello everyone, My simulation would run successfully without the Urban turned on, but when I turn on the Urban using BEP_BEM, it wont run and I get this error: At line 2372 of file module_sf_urban.f90 Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input
  5. J

    forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 29, file ..../wrf-v4.0/test/r_11/LANDUSE.TBL

    Hi, dear administer. My WRF version is 4.0. My outermost domain is Shanxi, China and running time is 12 hours. I failed to run wrf.exe when submitting to compute node. The rsl file shows the following error and cannot run after modifying sf_urban. How can I solve this problem? Looking forward to...
  6. W

    WRF Restart Runs Fail When Mosaic Land Use Tiling Is On

    Hello, I am attempting to run nested (9km x 3km x 1km) urban simulations with the use of the mosaic landuse categories option. The simulation is stable and the output is realistic when I initialize and integrate the model forward in time. However, whenever my compute limit is reached and I...
  7. W

    how to output energy consumption and carbon emissions from BEM

    I understand that it is possible to output carbon emissions, energy consumption (including electricity, gas, water, etc.) from the WRF BEM result, like set up the parameters of bldg_physics, but I cannot set the output parameters in namelist.input and correctly run real.exe. Is it because using...
  8. S

    Urban canopy options

    Hello, I run simulations to identify urban effects on cyclone precipitation. I'm working with ERA-5 input data and NLCD 2011 LULC data. My question is, if I keep the urban canopy option turned off (sf_urban_physics = 0), is it considering that there is no urban area and thus excluding the urban...
  9. M


    Does anyone have a step by step guide on running WRF with the Urban model turned on? I will appreciate. Thanks
  10. A

    wrf.exe error:forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurrederror

    Hi, dear administer. My WRF version is 4.4.1. My outermost domain is east China and running time is three months. Amounts of processors for running is 48 (I think it may be enough). At first, I follow the rule to set time_step=54 (6 x dx ,my dx is 9000). However, CFL error happened after 1 hour...
  11. G

    Default parameters for additional urban classes used in UCMs

    Hello! We are doing some work with the WRF urban canopy models and are currently post-processing the simulation files for analysis. Our simulations make use of the default modis_landuse_30s_with_lakes land cover as well as an updated and reclassified land cover for 2018 that includes the low...
  12. M

    Urban scheme in nest domain affecting mother domain

    Dear WRF community, I am using WRF4.4 and is testing with the urban options. I have two domains and intend to use urban only for the nested domain. My made three tests: For test1: sf_urban_physics = 0, 0, For test2: sf_urban_physics = 0, 1, For...
  13. R

    Issues with urban building variables

    I have two problems that I can't seem to figure out (using BEP and BEP+BEM). First, I want to add building data into the wrfinput file overwriting the data taken from the land use index (I am using NLCD). However, I can't get all the variables I need to overwrite to output in that file or the...
  14. L

    WRF-4.4 modified URBPARM_LCZ.TBL doesn't work

    Hello everyone, 1.When I modified the URBPARM_LCZ.TBL parameter, it did not work. I need to modify the FRC_URB2D parameter and BUILD_HEIGHT parameter. In URBPARM_LCZ.TBL, set FRC_URB2D to 0.1 and BUILD_HEIGHT to 5, but the FRC_URB2D variable and BUILD_HEIGHT variable in the wrfout file is as...
  15. S

    Distribution of Local Climate Zone Map

    Dear Colleagues, After interpolating the geographical static data generated by WUDAPT, namely the Local Climate Zone map of a city, it divides the urban areas into 17 classifications, how the WRF handles the map that has different fractions for the 17 zones (please note that the map has a...
  16. H

    Drifting temperature 2m

    Dear all I am running WRF4.3.2 (and also WRF4.4) using WUDAPT's local climate zones (LCZ) and detailed land use classification generated using W2W application. I am modeling a large metro area evaluating model performance for wind speed and temperature near surface (U10, V10, T2 variables). I...