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WRF postProcessing

John Lee

New member
Hello,I'm doing a simulation of wrf-les coupling. The CFD tool used is sowfa, and in its examples, there is a case of coupling with wrf, where there is a program to extract data from wrf. But after I changed my filename, nHrs and nPerhrs. Running error : wrfout file does not have z and fc parameters, then I thought of using wrf-python. But an error is still reported: as shown in the figure. Another point is that the variable fc does not appear in the results I run with wrf4.0. Does it mean Free Convection? Can someone tell me how to change this program so that I can run it properly? Any reply would be very helpful to me and I would appreciate it.


  • error.png
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  • tendencyread.txt
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如果您有兴趣,我们使用 NCL 和 python 来处理 wrfout 文件。详细信息可参见:

NCAR 命令语言 (NCL)(这是 NCL 网站)

wrf-python — wrf-python 文档(这是 wrf-python 网站)
firstly,thank you for replying.I am currently using python for post-processing of wrf. The code is my attachment, which is a python program that uses Python to extract data from wrfout. I found it in the examples of sowfa. A section of its code reads: fieldVarName = [' U ', 'V', 'Th' and 'Uadv', 'Vadv', 'Thadv', 'Ug', 'virgin', 'Utend', 'Vtend', 'Ucor', 'Vcor', 'Uphys',' Vphys] but I don't see in the output variable wrfout Uadv ', ' Vadv ', 'Thadv', 'Ug', 'virgin', 'Utend', 'Vtend', 'Ucor', 'Vcor', 'Uphys',' Vphys' variables. So I am really confused I would really appreciate it if you could look at the attached code for me. I hope you can give me some advice.Best wishes to you