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wrf utilities

  1. A

    Topography experiment

    Hello everyone, I am carrying out an experiment with WRF to study the role of a mountain in South America on the precipitation of the surrounding region.. For this, I have run a control simulation with the mountain in the topography, and an experiment simulation where I have modified the...
  2. S

    Error occurred when convert_emiss reading file

    Hi everyone, I'm using convert_emiss to conduct volcanic ash simulation following excercise 2(NOAA - Global Systems Laboratory) I have get the files(wrf_gocart_backg, emissopt3_d01, emissfire_d01, volcs_d01), and when I copy them to convert_emiss directory then run ./convert_emiss.exe, the error...
  3. S

    Obs Nudging implementation

    Hi I have been exploring the nudging options from cyclones and so far I have been successful in nudging ERA5 data in the coarse domain ( I am using 3 nested domains) I want to see if I can improve even more the cyclone trajectory using cyclone track data. For this I created the OBS_DOMAIN file...
  4. P

    Help with Obs Nudging problem

    Hello! l try to use obs-nudging with WRF run. l use both upper air and surface data in little-r format from website ( ( Meteorological data used in WPS are ERA5 data at 3h time intervals.It successfully generated...
  5. P

    Have a question about running ./get_rda_data.exe when using OBSGRID,

    Hello! When using OBSGRID, I have a question regarding running ./get_rda_data.exe. After downloading the upper-air and surface observation data (ds351.0 and ds461.0), I merged all files using the command cat *OBS:2023* > rda_obs. The upper-air data files are named OBS:YYYYMMDDHH, while the...
  6. P

    Some questions about OBSGRID

    Hello! I would like to ask some questions about OBSGRID. Question 1: According to the official user guide I've read, it says that the observation data has a time interval of 6 hours and after downloading, it needs to be split into 3-hour intervals using get_rda_data.exe. Is this a necessary...
  7. C

    How to modify LANDUSE to add a anthropogenic heat in WRF-UCM?

    Hello, I started studying WRF-UCM recently but I have a some questions about pre-processing. I want to add a Anthropogenic heat in urban sites and see the difference about sea-land breeze. I found that UCM-model split landuse 1(urban) to 3-types(31,32,33) and add a Anthropogenic heat. I'm...
  8. S

    WRF-Hydro running error: READ_ROUTEDIM

    Hello, I am modeling WRF-Hydro for the California region of the United States and running the command . /wrf_hydro.exe with the following error, the detailed log file is attached, enter the file can be downloaded by clicking the download link, can you help me to see what the problem is, and how...
  9. S

    WRF-Hydro running error:the job is stopped due to the fatal error. in get_2d_netcdf() - nf90_get_var problem

    I am having problems running WRF-Hydro with NLDAS regridded data (with NAN values replaced) and it shows the following in the diag_hydro.00000 file: t0OutputFlag: 1 read forcing data at 2024-02-01_00:00:00 . /Forcing/2024020101.LDASIN_DOMAIN1 name = "T20" the job is stopped due to the fatal...
  10. K

    Noise in the WFP parameterization,result

    Hello, I am having a noise istarting from the beginning of the simulation while using WFP , i have no idea how to resolve it, i tried all the physics i have ! Can any one please help me how to get rid of it, it is creating this disruptancy in my child domain. the plot shown below is a...
  11. S

    WRF Ensemble technique

    I'm looking for an ensemble technique, and I remember using it in other numerical models and I think it was also used in WRF, but I'd like to know the specific method. This is a method of using the effects of multiple physics processes in one experiment. Once dynamics is performed, it then...
  12. W

    New and Open Sourced WRF Domain Wizard Tool Annoucement!!!!

    Good morning everyone, I am thrilled to announce a secret project that Jiri Richter and I have been working on to enhance the NSF NCAR - The National Center for Atmospheric Research's Weather Research and Forecasting Model #WRF. The WRF Domain Wizard, a cornerstone tool for meteorologists and...
  13. S

    Regridding / Convert Lambert projection of WRF outputs to Lat-lon projection + MASKING according to Shape file

    Hi, I have run the WRF simulation using Lambert projection. For verification, I have to convert the projection to lat-lon projection and have to mask it according to my shape file for ease of comparison. For this, I have used the rcm2rgrid function in NCL. where I can convert my grid, but...
  14. W

    Is WRF-Python still in development or dead? WRF-Python is a powerful tool but there hasn't been any update to the code in almost 1.5 years. Just seeing if it is still supported or if there is something new to use.
  15. J

    Interpolating WRF data (on structured grid) to observation location (latitude/longitude point)

    Hey there, I'm trying to figure out what the best Python function would be (from wrf, SciPy, etc.) to interpolate gridded WRF output data to a specific observation location at a latitude/longitude point, across various vertical levels. I know that some NCL functions are supposed to handle this...
  16. xpji

    How to set a constant radiational cooling at all vertical model levels?

    Hi, all How do I set up a constant radiative cooling when I want to run a WRF experiment? This experiment is not the ideal case that comes with WRF, but the initial field data made by myself. Should I adjust the parameters in the WRF mode and then recompile? Or modify it directly in the...
  17. W

    WRF output variables

    Looking to see if there are WRF namelist options that need to be enabled to have certain exports in the wrfout file. I am looking for these times of values: 1.) are there any icing or turbulence options at different altitudes from that model? 2.) are there any surface visibility forecast...
  18. F

    Relative vorticity as WRF output

    Hi, everyone First of all I hope that you are well, continuing with the post I want to ask if there is a way to obtain the relative vorticity as output in the netcdf file from WRF, I have read that the only one that is obtainable is the absolute vorticity. I have been using these formula to...
  19. A

    NaN values are coming over mountains when interpolating WRF variables to a particular pressure level using WRF-Python

    Dear everyone, I want to extract some WRF variables (e.g., Geopotential height, wind variables, etc.) at a specific pressure level (e.g., 850 hPa). For extracting Geopotential Height at 850 hPa, I used the following WRF-Python code: # Extract pressure and z/height variables for time index 0 pres...
  20. J

    WRF postProcessing

    Hello,I'm doing a simulation of wrf-les coupling. The CFD tool used is sowfa, and in its examples, there is a case of coupling with wrf, where there is a program to extract data from wrf. But after I changed my filename, nHrs and nPerhrs. Running error : wrfout file does not have z and fc...