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wrf compiling/installation

  1. A

    ideal em_tropical_cyclone: ERROR: ghg_input available only for these radiation schemes: CAM, RRTM, RRTMG, RRTMG_fast

    This is WRFV4.5.1 on aws Graviton3, using: Currently Loaded Modules: 1) dmidecode/3.5 5) libevent/2.1.12 9) zlib/1.3 2) numactl/2.0.16 6) pmix/5.0.1 10) hdf5/1.14.2 3) binutils/2.41 7) hwloc/2.9.2 11) netcdf/c-4.9.2-fortran-4.6.1 4) gcc/13.2.0 8) openmpi/4.1.6...
  2. Y

    Error while compiling wrf

    hello: An error occurred when I was compiling WRF4.0 (with some changes in physical parameterizations, but it has been compiled successfully in another platform). It shows like this and it seems that something went wrong with the parallel modules. configure.wrf and log.compile are also uploaded...
  3. W not found Debian 12 Server Install with LMOD

    Hi, I currently face the issue: Error : Not found /mnt/nfs/clustersw/Debian/bookworm/netcdf/4.9.2/include/ Please check this installation of NetCDF and re-run this configure script ./configure: 664: exit: Illegal number: -1 while trying to run ./configure on a slurm based...
  4. C

    Problem building executables

    I'm a student taking up Meteorology and we were tasked to install WRF by following the guide provided by UCAR. I was able to follow everything and fix some problems, but now when I use the command "./compile em_real >& log.compile", it doesn't produce the executable files. I don't really know...
  5. Q

    Trying to apply WRF only in COAWST,but failed to build the WRF to generate any *.exe

    Hello everyone! I try to run COAWST by applying WRF only first. As shown in the page 50 of COAWST manual ,I can see a link of 'coawstM' to 'WRF/main/wrf.exe'(but the 'wrf.exe' doesn't exist in the WRF/main directory ) ,but there is no ndown.exe, real.exe or wrf.exe generated.So I went to /WRF...
  6. A

    Improve time calculation for WRF+WRF_HYDRO coupled model

    Hi all We are running several experiment by using WRF (v. 4.4.1) coupled with WRF_HYDRO (v. 5.2.0). After several attempts, we understood that it was not possible to run WRF+WRF_HYDRO in hybrid mode (i.e. OpenMP works for WRF but not with WRF_HYDRO). We ran a series of tests to try to improve...
  7. T

    Vertical loop index in subroutine "advect_w" when the polar flag is on

    Hi. I'd like to ask about the vertical loop index (for tile, kts, and ktf) in WRF(v3.8.1). In the subroutine advect_w located in dyn/module_advect_em.F, I found that the vertical loop index is kts:ktf as shown below. ``` IF ( config_flags%polar .AND. (j == jds+1) ) THEN DO...
  8. N

    Building a container to compile WRF

    We have been working on installing the required software for WRF on our system for the past few months without success. We would like to run WRF with Intel compilers, as we have seen that Intel compilers reduce run times. We have been using the WRF User Guide and several other online resources...
  9. R

    Building WRF --- 'undefined references to **** problems building executables'

    Hi all, Good day! I am new user of WRF, and now compiling WRF v4.5.1 on Ubuntu virtual machine (Linux virtual-machine 6.2.0-26-generic #26~22.04.1-Ubuntu) using GNU compiler. According to the official tutorials, I have successfully done 'Building libraries' and 'Library Compatibility Tests'...
  10. Z

    Error in compiling WRF: "Problems building executables"

    Greeting all, Nice to meet you! I followed the instruction step by step in OnLine Tutorial "Compiling WRF" . And I'm stopped by compiling WRF for 3 days. The compiling now always end with "Problems building executables, look for errors in the build log". Can you please help me with that...
  11. K

    Compiling WPS/WRF on Cheyenne

    Hello, I've been using the precompiled versions of WRFV4.3.3 and WPSV4.3.1 available on Cheyenne, but I need to make modifications to the code that requires compiling WRF and WPS myself. In particular, I'd like to compile the dmpar versions of WRF/WPS. I've had troubles following the tutorial...
  12. A

    Issues when ./configure WRF-Chem 4.5

    Hello folks, I got a warning when I ./configure the WRF-Chem 4.5: ************************** W A R N I N G ************************************ The moving nest option is not available due to missing rpc/types.h file. Copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory to bypass compile...
  13. A

    WRFV4.4.2 compilation and gcc version

    Hi all, I am new to installing the WRF model. I have a virtual machine with Linux RHEL 6.4, where I have previously installed WRF version 4.0.1, and I run the model daily for 48-hour forecasts. I have tried to install the WRFV4.4.2, but I get the following warning before compiling...
  14. L

    Compile error with WRF4.4.1 default code

    Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with an issue I am experiencing. I recently downloaded the 4.4.1 version code and attempted to compile it, but I encountered some errors in the compile.log. I would greatly appreciate any assistance...
  15. P

    Research positions open at IIT Bombay

    We have a few positions at IIT Bombay that we seek to fill quite urgently under a newly funded project (PAVITRA—Air Pollution Management and Intervention Tool for India). Please see the job profile, and interested candidates may kindly apply through the below link: 1. Project Research...
  16. C

    makefile:27: recipe for target 'wrf_io.o' failed

    Hello, I am trying to compile WRF 3.9.1. I have to use this version because it's the only one that works with this specific parameter scheme I want to use. After trying this command while compiling: gfortran -O2 -ftree-vectorize -funroll-loops -w -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none...
  17. Z

    wrf 4.5 & 4.4 chem compile issue attached log file

    hello there, i am trying to install wrf chem model, everything goes well when i try to compile, it show this error "Problems building executables, look for errors in the build log" i went to log file and check the error "ERROR: variable name for third body in KPP species file is expected to be...
  18. Z

    WRF 4.5 configure error

    hello, i am trying to install latest version of wrf 4.5 which i downloaded from Github website. when i try to configure it. i install all libraries and give them All path everything is alright but it shows this error when i try to configure. can anybody help me with this? it show this error...
  19. Y

    No "&chem" section in the namelist.input after compiling WRFV3.9.1.1

    Hi Everyone, I compiled the WRFV3.9.1.1 without errors and got the ndown.exe, real.exe. tc.exe and wrf.exe generated successfully. However, in the run/namelist.input, I didn't find the "&chem" block and found nothing about the chemistyr, emissions... Anyone knows how to fix it? The...
  20. F

    (Solved) WRF executables successfully built but error occur when configuring WPS

    Hi, I am Grace, new to WRF and MPAS. I need WRF-WPS to build initial data for MPAS model. After compling WRF, I run the command ./configure under WPS directory, but get the following error: Error: The $WRF_DIR environment variable was set, but the WRF code at...