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idealized cases

  1. D

    simulate idealized squall line or supercell using MPAS

    Hello, I tried to explore the idealized cases of squall line and supercell on MPAS. The tutorial suggests me to download the default domain, which contains a with periodic lateral BCs. I hope to change the domain size with a different grid spacing, and also modify the sounding (both...
  2. J

    WRF-SCM heat flux

    I want to add heat flux as initial forcing in WRF-SCM. But I have no idea how to do it. Should I specify heat flux in files like GABLS_II_forcing.txt, make_scm_forcing.ncl, forcing_file.cdl, input_soundig? If anyone knows about this, please let me know! thank you!!
  3. O

    WRF Ideal Cases

    Hi everyone, I have a question that's been on my mind: Is the ideal WRF test case hill2d_x capable of modeling snow? Specifically, I'm wondering if this can be achieved by modifying the initial sounding or by changing the microphysics option. Has anyone experimented with this or have any...
  4. O

    Idealized Cases

    Hello, I am hoping to find some more information about each the hill2d idealized test case. I am looking at modeling snow over a mountain in thi test case, I know i can change the mountain height in the fortran module under the hill2d case, but i do not exactly know how to visualize the...
  5. F

    Implementing a daytime convective development over land idealized test case

    I'd like to implement the idealized test case described in on MPAS. This case mimics a convective development over land using observation data. This idealized test case demands: Adding a prescribed evolving (variable in time) surface sensible...
  6. J

    (Solved) negative Hourly precipitation and decrease in RAINNC

    Hi, all I'm running an ideal case and have successfully executed ideal.exe and wrf.exe. However, I noticed a decrease in RAINNC, which means there is negative hourly precipitation. Is this natural? How should I interpret negative precipitation values? The values are quite large, so I can't...
  7. M

    Segmentation fault for idealized tropical cyclone simulation with a moving nest

    Hi, I'm encountering a segmentation fault early in the integration of WRFv4.4 for an idealized simulation of a tropical cyclone. The simulation is configured with 2 nests and vortex tracking on the innermost nest. I compiled WRF with the debug flag and received the following error traceback...
  8. F

    Description of Idealized Test Cases

    Hello, I am hoping to find some more information about each of the idealized test cases and what they are based upon. It would be nice to see the information for all test cases, but I suppose I am specifically interested in the 2D squall line in the x direction. I believe that it is based on...
  9. J

    How to simulate Typhoon?

    Dear seniors, I am a beginner, I want to know if I want to imitate the performance of typhoons (or tropical whirlwinds). How should I act? In fact, I have developed a tropical whirlwind simulation in the ideal mode. But because I don't know how to set the position of a whirlwind, I haven't...
  10. R

    Change the initial location of idealized TC

    Hello, I'm new to WRF and I am simulating an ideal tropical cyclone. When I use the default settings with the cyclone at the center of the domain, it appears that the cyclone does not move at all. I am interested in knowing how long it will take for the cyclone to exit my domain so that I can...
  11. J

    related to wrfinput file created with em_les, em_seabreeze model

    To whom it may concern Hi, I'm a student studying urban climate. I'm currently trying to simulate mountain-valley, and land-sea breeze using the em_les model. so I'm modifying 'module_initialize_ideal.F' for to change input terrain height and land property, referring to case(seabreeze2d). but...
  12. W

    roughness length (Z0) and soil moisture (Sc)

    How to make Sc and Z0 fixed in time and homogeneous across the entire surface.
  13. W

    drag coefficient in wrf

    When I do the ideal test to simulate a tropical cyclone, the roughness on land is a fixed value, but the drag coefficient is variable and can be up to = 0.1, is this normal?
  14. B

    The movement of the center of tropical cyclone in an idealized case

    Dear Community, I am working on the idealized tropical cyclone case with no environmental flow and constant Coriolis parameter. The run was finished successfully. No code is changed in my case. The namelist and figure about TC center are attached as follows. Detailed information is in the...
  15. C

    Idealized Case em_seabreeze2d_x

    Dear Community, I am currently working on generating wind velocity simulations based on changes in radiation, specifically for simulating sea-breeze phenomena. Through a Google search, I discovered that the idealized case em_seabreeze2d_x in WRF can assist me in achieving this simulation...
  16. H

    Possibility of using specified lateral conditions for idealized cases

    Hi WRF experts/ users, is it possible to use the specified lateral boundary conditions for idealized conditions sans nesting? If so, how do we do this?
  17. W

    How to change Soil heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, thermal inertia

    Hi, WRF support: I want to change Soil heat capacity (C), thermal diffusivity (Kt), and thermal inertia (Iq), in such a way that they remain constant during the integration time. Where should I make these modifications, and what is the specific code?How to change the height of vertical soil...
  18. F

    3D Idealized squall line?

    Hello, I am aware that I am able to run a 2d squall line in either the x or y direction using WRF, but I am curious if there is a way to produce 3D output from these simulations? Specifically, I am interested in 3D reflectivity. Thank you!
  19. S

    Is it possible to run a WRF-idealized simulation with a non-stretching grid?

    Dear WRF Community, I am planning to perform some idealized simulations using the em_hill2D test case provided in WRF. I have two questions for these tests. 1. I am wondering if there is a possibility of running the em_hill2D test case with a non-stretching grid. 2. How do I control Upper...
  20. xpji

    How to run WRF with one initial time data?

    Hi, all 1、I wrote a basic initial field environment file based on the solution of the equatorial wave equation. I positioned its initial time at 2021-01-01_00 and converted it into a file in met*nc format. 2、I want to Run it for 90 days to see if it can produce some weather-scale fluctuations...