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wrf physics

  1. C

    water budget calculation in WRF model

    Hi! I am confused about how to calculate the water budget in WRF model. I wonder whether it should be calculated as follows, WT = (RAINC+RAINNC)-(ECAN+ETRAN+EDIR)-(RUNSF+RUNSB) Additionally, I found that there exits two variables denoting runoff as follows. I wonder what are the differences...
  2. R

    Trouble running WRF with BEM

    When attempting to run WRF using BEM (sf_urban_physics = 3) I get the following error (specifically from only rsl.out.0068, am running on 128 cores): d01 2018-05-01_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: d01 2018-05-01_00:00:00 Input data processed for aux input 4 for domain 1 d01...
  3. Z

    Running error with WRFV4.3 & WUDAPT LCZ

    Hi, all. I am running WRFV4.3 with WUDAPT LCZ land use data (41 LU_INDEX). When I ran WRF with sf_urban_physics=2, there was a bad termination message. Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. Backtrace for this error: #0 0x2B9C9A8046D7 #1...
  4. T

    CM_AC_URB3D variable not found in wrfout

    Hi! I have run a real case with BEP/BEM model (sf_urban_physics=3). however, I cannot find the urban state variable like CM_AC_URB3D in the wrfout files. Only 2-4 variables including EP_PV_URB3D and DRAINGR_URB3D are included. What should I do to include those variables in the wrfout? Thanks...
  5. L

    Mass flux rate parameters in the KF-scheme module in WRF

    Dear WRF-experts, I am looking for the following variables in the KF-scheme physics module in WRF: Coefficient related to downdraft mass flux rate (Pd) Coefficient related to entrainment mass flux rate (Pe) Unfortunately, I can't find these variables Pd and Pe in the module...
  6. A

    wrf.exe error:forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurrederror

    Hi, dear administer. My WRF version is 4.4.1. My outermost domain is east China and running time is three months. Amounts of processors for running is 48 (I think it may be enough). At first, I follow the rule to set time_step=54 (6 x dx ,my dx is 9000). However, CFL error happened after 1 hour...
  7. Q

    Using climatological aerosol in mp_physics=28 in WRF V4.4

    I've used mp_physics=28 in previous versions of WRF with no problem, but now I'm getting errors from real with V4.4. Namelist.input contains: wif_input_opt = 1, num_wif_levels = 30, mp_physics = 28, 28, 28, use_aero_icbc...
  8. Z

    Should we use Noah when we do not use urban canopy model?

    Hi everyone, In my recent task, 2 sets of WRF experiments are designed. One is set with sf_urban_physics=1 and sf_surface_physics=2 to run with UCM coupling with Noah, and the other one having all urban land replaced with cropland with sf_urban_physics=0 (UCM closed), aiming at comparing 2 sets...
  9. G

    Default parameters for additional urban classes used in UCMs

    Hello! We are doing some work with the WRF urban canopy models and are currently post-processing the simulation files for analysis. Our simulations make use of the default modis_landuse_30s_with_lakes land cover as well as an updated and reclassified land cover for 2018 that includes the low...
  10. M

    Doubt Related to Isfflx

    Dear Sir, At the time of using the Isfflx option Zero (0) or Two (2), Is it a thumb rule to put the PBL option as Zero? If we use other PBL options (instead of zero), Is it any problem? Thanks and Regards, Srinivas
  11. B

    The use of the cell perturbation method with WRF- LES in real-case simulation

    Dear members, Sorry, I'm very new to WRF-LES modeling. According to my observation data, I'm using WRFV4.3 to simulate the cumulus cloud that occurred over Naqu site on a specific day. I'm applying WRF-LES in real case simulation. I am supposed to use the stochastic cell perturbation method...
  12. O

    How does YSU PBL scheme work above PBL height?

    Hello, the YSU PBL scheme has the diffusivity coefficient Km scaling with (1 - z/h_pbl) where h_pbl is the diagnosed boundary layer height. What happens when z > h_pbl, say for shallow boundary layers? How is turbulent mixing modeled above the boundary layer? Thanks!
  13. S

    How is WRF output variable "T2" calculated?

    Hi, Im trying to determine whether WRF output variable "T2" is computed using the radiation schemes or heat fluxes/PBL schemes? If it is computed using the PBL schemes then would it be correct to say that it incorporates the effects of greenhouse gases emissivities since radiation is driving the...
  14. I

    Fitch parametrization (wind farm parameterization) issue

    Hi all, I am running WRF ARW 4.4.1 model in 3km resolution with wind farm parameterization option. I am running two runs with same configuration but one with turbines and one without in order to compare the results. When looking at difference in the wind speed, turbines causes strange noise in...
  15. M


    Dear WRF users I am using WRF version 4.0 and I am trying different PBL schemes. All of the schemes work except for QNSE scheme. The model crashes with a segmentation fault error when the radiation scheme is called. Seems like no issue with the radiation scheme, but more likely, that’s where...
  16. A

    Abnormal 2m temperature pattern with WRF V4.4.1

    Hello Everyone, After the WRF upgrade from V4.3.1 to V4.4.1, I get an unrealistic cold temperature pattern when heavy rains occur. The pattern is shown on the attached document. I have put on the cloud a complete set of files called "Saved_4.4.1-10-20-2022.tar.bz2" including namelists and the...
  17. H

    Does anthropogenic heat in SLUCM include industry or traffic?

    Dear all, I am wondering whether the AH in SLUCM includes industry and traffic. If not, what does the AH include in WRF then? Does anyone know where the code is? Also, in the URBPARM.TBL. The AH is 20/50/90 for Low-dens Res, Hi-dens Res, and Commercial. Are those numbers based on some specific...
  18. D

    Flag_impervious and flag_canopy=0 Error while executing real.exe (when used with Pleium-Xie land surface scheme)

    Dear WRF community, I am using WRF4.4with NCEP-GFS data(3hrly-0.25*0.25) was taken as input with a two domain and is testing with various physics options microphysics = 6(WSM6) ; ra _lw=3(CAM) ; ra_sw=3(CAM) pbl=5(MYNN2.5) sf_phy=7(Pleium-Xie) the error came as like this (which I couldnt able...
  19. L

    Zero values for turbulent kinetic energy (tke_pbl) while using MYNN 2.5 pbl scheme

    Hello everyone, I run wrf model v 4.3 and using MYNN level 2.5 pbl scheme , i am interested in tke_pbl but it is showing zero values for every level and i tried with different cases, again it gives zero values. what is the reason for this? &physics mp_physics = 6, 6, 6, ra_lw_physics = 1...
  20. J

    CONUS parameterization

    Hello, I'm working with WRF in a domain placed in Central America with a 160x100 cell grid of 5 km x 5 km resolution, two way nested with a smaller domain of 1 km x 1 km resolution. I want to use CONUS parameterization in both domains, but have questions about cu_physics, since Tidke option...